Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1985, Blaðsíða 121
gcrði cinnig cndurbætur á alabasturstöflu. Sjá Iðnsaga íslands, I, 1943, bls. 390, Blanda
V, 1934, bls. 280, Sunnanfari X, bls. 57, Hundrað ár í Þjóðminjasafni, 1963, nr. 43.
61. DI IX, bls. 320.
62. Sjá aðrar greinar um alabastur: R.P. Bcdford, „An English Sct of Twclvc Apostles
in Alabastcr", Burlington Magazinc, 42, 1923, bls. 130-134, H.J.E. Burrcll og
G.M.Benton, „The English Alabaster Carvings of Cambridgeshire...“, Proceedings of
tlie Cambridge Society of Antiquaries 34, 1932-1933, bls. 77-83, R.L. Farmcr, „Chella-
ston Alabaster and its use by Nottingham Carvers", Journal of the Derbyshire Archa-
eological and Natural History Society, 38, 1916, T. Hodgkinson. „A Collection of Eng-
lish Alabasters", Burlington Magazine, 88, 1946, bls. 292-296, ibid., „English Mcdic-
val Alabasters“, Small Colour Books, no. 7, Victoria and Albcrt Muscum, London
1976, W.St.John Hopc, „A Notc on Somc Alabastcr Sculptures of Nottingham
Work“, Arcliaeological Journal, 64, 1907, bls. 168-171, H. Kornfcld, „Ati English
Alabaster Relicf‘, Burlington Magazine, 61, 1932, bls. 126-127, Eric Maclagan, „Mc-
dicval Alabastcrs froni Naworth Castlc", Antiquaries Journal, 12, 1932, bls. 407-410,
Philip Nclson, „Some Furthcr Examplcs of English Medicval Alabastcr Tablcs", Ar-
chaeological Journal, 74, 1917, bls. 105-121, ibid., „Sonrc Unusual Alabastcr Pancls",
Lancs and Clteshire Historic Socicty Transaction, 69, 1917, bls. 80—90, ibid., „Thc Ear-
liest Type of English Alabaster Panel Carvings", Archaeological Journal, 76, 1919, bls.
84-95, ibid., „Some Fifteenth Century Alabaster Panels", Archacological Journal, 76,
bls. 133-138, ibid., „Some Unpublishcd English Mcdicval Alabaster Carvings", Ar-
chaeological Journal, 82, 1925, bls. 25-38 og 83, 1926, bls. 33-46, ibid., „Somc Addi-
tional Spccimcns of English Alabaster Carvings", Archaeological Journal, 84, 1927, bls.
114-124, ibid., „Misccllancous Notcs Conccrning English Alabastcr Carvings", Ar-
cltaeological Journal, 88, 1931, Clcment F. Pitman, „Nottingham Alabaster Carving",
Thc Concise Encyclopaedia of Antiques, 3, 1957, bls. 191-196, ibid., „Nottingham
Alabasters", Museum Journal, 59, no 9, Dcc. 1959, bls. 208-212, E.S. Prior, A History
of Gothic Art in England, 1900, L.F.Salzmann, English Industries of the Middle Ages,
Oxford 1923, A.S. Tavcnder, „Three Medieval English Alabasters in Frcnch
Churchcs", Speculum, 24, 1949, bls. 397-402, Englisli Mcdieval Alabastcr Carvings,
Fcstival Exhibition, City of York Art Gallcry 1954. Að öðru lcyti vísa cg í bókaskrá
í Cheetham 1984, bls. 339 ff.
Catalogue of Medieval English Alabasters
Preserved in Iceland
Alabastcr carvings wcre massproduccd in England in workshops froni 1330-1550. An
unexpectcdly largc numbcr of individual carvings are prescrved but fcw complete altar-
picccs. As a result of an organized cxport industry they are scattered all over Europc.
Thcsc alabastcrs givc a good insight into thc religious and social history of its time and
show thc dcvclopmcnt and interchange of iconographical ideas from othcr medias.
The English alabastcr works which arc prescrved in lceland are vcry important. Both
becausc how many complcte retablcs are preservcd comparcd to other countries in Eu-
rope and also how prccisely some of them can be dated. For this the church inventaries
are of grcatest value. Such a dating is an invaluablc support of thc dating of English ala-
basters as only a fcw of thcm can bc datcd with accuracy.
Thc Icelandic retables havc not bcen analyscd before exccpt for a short description of
a few of them in an article in the Archaeological Journal 1920 by Philip Nelson. Thc first
major article on English alabastcr was written by William St. John Hope around the turn
of thc century, and by 1910 it was possible to arrange an cxhibition of English alabastcr