Árdís - 01.01.1944, Blaðsíða 37

Árdís - 01.01.1944, Blaðsíða 37
provided for themselves hospital and medical care when they need it, and, as far as is humanly possible, they would be prevented from be- coming ill through the medium of frequent and complete health examin- ations, also they would be helped to help themselves by means of timely and appropriate advice and education along the lines of general hygiene, nutrition, maternal and child care and the special pitfalls of venereal disease, tuberculosis and many others. Let us consider some facts which point to the need for some scheme of health assistance. As we consider some specific areas of great need I will outline proposed programs which might adequately cover these needs. I. Tuberculosis:— The incidence and mortality of Tuberculosis is excessive. More so in some provinces than others approximately six thousand persons die annually from this disease. Also close to twenty-two thousand (22,000) persons are treated annually in Sanitoriums at a cost of well over eight million dollars. But no disease can be controlled so effectively as Tuber- culosis, we lcnow its cause and how to treat it, we know tlie contributing factors; as poor housing overcrowding and malnutrition. These too are controllable. Some specialists go so far as to say that with adequate measures of control this disease could be wiped out in a few years. Such an adequate control program would be:— 1. Registration of all cases. 2. Stationary and travelling clinics conducted by trained personnel, skilled in diagnosis, provided with x-ray and laboratory facilities. 3. Supervision and follow up of all contacts in co-operation with the family physician. 4. Surveys and periodic examinations of those in hazardous indust- ries. 5. Provision of sanatorium facilities for the isolation and treatment of all cases. 6. Provision for a sufficient number of beds for tuberculosis cases. 7. Sanatoria provided with sufficient qualified staff with complete medical nursing and dietetic services under the direction of a full time physician specially trained in the treatment of the disease. 8. After-care and rehabilitation of the patient after discharge. 9. A program of education in continuous operation through pop- ulation groups, such as schools, colleges, service clubs, radio, press and poster. It is known that such a program of control would mean a higher outlay of money but would eventually effect a definite economic saving. 35
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