Árdís - 01.01.1944, Blaðsíða 65
Co-operation in this camp-building ofFered bv the Manitoba District
Luther League and the Manitoba Federated Luther Leagues of the
A. L. C., was refused on the grounds that the Ladies’ Aids voted against
it 15 to 3.
9. Election of Officers:
Honorary Presidents—Mrs. R. Marteinson, Vancouver.
Mrs. F. Johnson, Winnipeg.
Mrs. H. Olson, Wynyard.
Past President—Mrs. G. Thorleifson, Langruth.
President—Mrs. S. Olafson, Selkirk.
Vice President—Mrs. H. G. Henrickson, Winnipeg.
Recording Secretary—Miss Lilja M. Guttormsson, Winnipeg.
Correspondence Sec.—Mrs. Anna Magnusson, Selkirk.
Treasurer—Mrs. G. Johannson, Winnipeg.
Vice-Treasurer—Mrs. S. Johnson, Grund.
Mrs. A. S. Bardal, Winnipeg.
Mrs. B. B. Jonsson, Winnipeg.
Mrs. B. Bjarnarson, Langruth.
Mrs. Anna Austman, Vidir.
Mrs. G. A. Erlendson, Arborg.
Editors—Mrs. S. Olafson, Selkirk.
Mrs. O. Stephenson, Winnipeg.
Manager—Mrs. F. Johnson, Winnipeg.
Assistant Manager—Mrs. M. M. Jonasson, Arborg.
Leadership Training Course Committee:
Mrs. A. H. Gray, Winnipeg.
Mrs. H. Danielson, Winnipeg.
Mrs. H. G. Henrickson, Winnipeg.
Mrs. H. Hallson, Riverton.
Mrs. B. M. Paulson, Arborg.
Mrs. Skuli Sigurgeirson, Gimli.
Mrs. A. Sigurdson, Arnes.
Delegate to the next Synodical Convention at Winnipeg—Mrs. O.
Stephenson, Winnipeg, the second representative to be appointed from