Ný saga - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 17

Ný saga - 01.01.2001, Blaðsíða 17
Forsetinn og utanríkisstefnan that we are all of the same basic stock, fundamen- tally. And we want inter-marriage. I am alluding now to a number of people - several thousand have already - who are now under the jurisdiction of Secretary Stimson, who are related by marriage with Ice- landic girls, and who are going to stay in Iceland, if you let them, after the war. It's all right. Now, I don't protest against that one bit. We like it, and we hope that some of their children will come over here and become a part of the American family. Now on the other things more practical, like trade, I was saying to his Minister a few minutes ago there is an American habit of cocktails, but we haven't yet acquired the Scandinavian habit of the things that go before cocktails. Don't sell us cod liver oil, I don't like cod liver oil - laughter -but go into the things that pay more money. Send us some smoked salmon, and things of that kind that go well before the cocktails. In that way you can help, and we can help by general trade between Iceland and the United States. After all, things are going to go by trade a great deal in the future. Il has been easier, because of the shorter dis- tance, to send your hors d'oeuvres to England, but they don't know a good hors d'oeuvres when they see it. Please send us some, for we are very fond of them. And specialize in them, not the vulgar stuff, bul the specials. You can send us wool, for you have a special kind of wool we don't know of here. And so trade, if we go at it from the point of view of building it up on special lines - Iceland is small, and therefore you have to specialize - I think it can be done. And in the days to come - I am not speaking about this treaty or that treaty or the other treaty they are talking about now, but it depends very largely on the spirit, very much on the spirit. If the spirit is all right behind the objective, greater friendship and greater trade, we can get some- where. You have your polilics, Mr. President, and you have a legislature, the oldest legislature in the world, incidentally. Over here I have my politics - I am not taking a very great part in them - and I have a legislature, a very young legislature, it's only 150 - 160 years old. They learn with age. (laughter) And so I have great hopes that when this thing come up, the Senate of the United States which has a great deal to do with foreign policy will accept a treaty of trade and friendship, inclusive - ali-inclusive - with the Republic of Iceland, without saying No just because they don't like the President of the United States. Now that's an ideal, and perhaps my hope will be justified. Time alone will tell. But, at least, in welcoming you to Washington, you know that the present President has his heart in the right place. And so I drink to the first President of Iceland. (the toast was drunk) Heimild: Roosevelt Library. Hyde Park, New York. President’s speech file, box 80. Tilvísanir * Ég þakka dr. Val Ingimundarsyni fyrir aðstoð við könnun heimilda og túlkun þeirra. 1 Gylfi Gröndal, Sveinn Björnsson - Ævisaga (Reykjavík, 1994), bls. 318-21. Þingmenn Alþýðuflokksins birtu sér- staka yfirlýsingu um að þeir hefðu allir kosið Svein Björnsson 17. júní 1944, sjá Alþýðublaðið 27. júní 1944. 2 Pétur Eggerz, Minningar ríkisstjóraritara (Hafnarfirði, 1971) lýsir vináttu Sveins Björnssonar og Vilhjálms Þórs, sjá einkum bls. 24-25. Björn Ólafsson greinir frá tilurð ut- anþingsstjórnarinnar í Matthías Johannessen, Samtöl IV (Reykjavík, 1982), bls. 24-32. Sjá einnig ummæli Björns Þórðarsonar, fyrrum forsætisráðherra, í Matthías Johann- essen, Saintöl III (Reykjavík, 1979), bls. 28-37. 3 Pétur Eggerz, Minningar ríkisstjóraritara, bls. 42. 4 Sigurður Eggerz gegndi veigamiklu hlutverki á lands- fundi Sjálfstæðisflokksins á Þingvöllum sumarið 1943. Sigurður stýrði þar fundi um „sjálfstæðismálið" en fram- sögumaður var Bjarni Benediktsson. Sigurður Eggerz átti langa sögu að baki í sjálfstæðisbaráttunni, varð m.a. ráð- herra fyrir Sjálfstæðisflokkinn (eldri) 1914 en sagði af sér árið eftir vegna „fyrirvarans" svonefnda. Sjálfstæðis- flokkurinn klofnaði þá. Sigurður var einn af helstu leið- togum „þversum" armsins. Aðrir Sjálfstæðismenn vildu sýna sveigjanleika í samskiptum við dönsk stjórnvöld. Þeir voru kallaðir „langsum" menn. Þar voru í forsvari Einar Arnórsson, eftirmaður Sigurðar Eggerz á ráðherra- stóli og síðar dómsmálaráðherra utanþingsstjórnarinnar, og Sveinn Björnsson. Heimdallur, félag ungra Sjálfstæðismanna í Reykja- vík, hyllti Sigurð Eggerz á fjölmennum fundi í september 1943, sbr. Morgttnblaðið 21. september 1943. Altalað var að Sigurður Eggerz yrði í forsetafram- boði. Þannig kallaði blaðið ísland Sigurð „forsetaefni" (18. ágúst 1943). í Alþýðublaðinu 13. nóvember 1943 seg- ir m.a.: „Nú gengur þrálátur orðrómur urn það að Sjálf- stæðismenn hafi ákveðið að sparka ríkisstjóranum alveg þegar kosinn verður forseli og setja í hans stað gamlan og afdankaðan mann, sem löngu er hættur að fylgjast með því, sem gerist hérna megin grafar." Ólafur Thors lét fara frani nokkrar skriflegar skoð- anakannanir í þingflokki Sjálfstæðisflokksins vorið 1944 um forsetaefni. Sigurður Eggerz fékk allmörg atkvæði en ekki meirihlutastuðning, sbr. Ólafur Ragnarsson, Gunnar Thoroddsen (Reykjavík, 1981), bls. 38. 5 Matthías Johannessen, Ólafiir Tltors - Ævi og störf I (Reykjavík, 1981), bls. 153. 6 Tillaga Arna Jónssonar birtist í blaðinu Þjóðólfi 16. nóv- ember 1942 (II. árgangur 51. tbl.). Ásakanirum samvinnu Sjálfstæðismanna og sósíalista í bæjarsljórn Reykjavíkur komu t.d. fram í Alþýðublaðinu 18. nóvember 1943 og Tímanum 8. septembcr 1944. Bjarni Benediktsson var borgarstjóri í Reykjavík 1940-47. Um hann segir m.a. í skýrslu leyniþjónustu Bandaríkjanna: „In his first years as Mayor he initiated a policy of collaboration with the Communists, but he is said to have become fully alive to the Communist danger." Iceland, Central Intelligence Agency, 1948, bls. D-l. 7 Matthías Johannessen, Ólafitr Thors - Ævi og störfi bls. 364. 8 Páll Líndal, Ingólfur á Hellu - umhverfi og œvistarf I (Reykjavík, 1982), bls. 143M5. 9 Sjá t.d. leiðara Morgunblaðsins „Bækistöðvar á íslandi", 15
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