

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1997, Qupperneq 23

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1997, Qupperneq 23
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 809 orðið aukning á nýgengi hjartagalla meðal ein- bura með tilliti til tæknifrjóvgana. Þegar þess er gætt hversu lítið er í raun vitað um orsakir meðfæddra hjartagalla, sjúkdóm sem hrjáir 1% allra barna og 3% tvíbura, hlýtur að teljast þörf ítarlegri rannsókna. Þakkir Vísindasjóði Landspítalans eru færðar þakk- ir fyrir fjárstuðning. HEIMILDIR 1. Sigfússon G, Helgason H. Nýgengi og greining með- fæddra hjartagalla á íslandi. Læknablaðið 1993; 3: 107- 14. 2. Mitchell SC, Korones SB, Berendes HW. Congenital heart disease in 56,109 births. Circulation 1971; 43, 323- 32. 3. Meberg A, Otterstad JE, Froland G. Barn med medf0dt hjertfeil i Vestfold 1982-88. Tidsskr Nor Lægeforen 1990; 110: 354-7. 4. Berg KA. Astemborski JA, Bougham JA, Ferencz C. Congenital cardiovascular malformations in twins and triplets from a population-based study. AJDC1989; 143: 1461-3. 5. Kallén B. Congenital malformations in twins: a pop- ulation study. Acta Genet Med Gemellol 1986; 35: 167- 78. 6. Hay S, Wehrung DA. Congenital malformations in twins. Am J Hum Genet 1970; 22: 662-78. 7. Myrianthopoulos NC. Congenital malformations in twins: epidemiologic survey. Birth Defects (Original Ar- ticle Series) 1975; 11: 1-39. 8. Windham GC, Bjerkedal T. Malformations in twins and their siblings, Norway, 1967-79. Acta Genet Med Ge- mellol 1984; 33: 87-95. 9. Ramos-Arroyo MA. Birth defects in twins: study in a Spanish population. Acta Genet Med Gemellol 1991; 40: 337-44. 10. Pradat P. Epidemiology of major congenital heart de- fects in Sweden, 1981-1986. J Epidemiol Comm Health 1992; 46: 211-5. 11. Nora JJ, Nora AH. The evolution ofspecificgenetic and environmental counseling in congenital heart diseases. Circulation 1978; 57: 205-13. 12. Landshagir, Hagskýrslur íslands III, 39. Reykjavík: Hagstofa íslands, 1996: 59. 13. Listi yfir fjölbura fædda á íslandi 1986-1996. Reykjavík: Hagstofa íslands, 1997. 14. Zetterquist P. A clinical and genetic study of congenital heart defects [dissertation]. Uppsala: The Institute for Medical Genetics, University of Uppsala, Sweden, 1972. 15. Schinzel AAGL, Smith DW, Miller JR. Monozygotic twinning and structural defects. J Pediatrics 1979; 95: 921-30. 16. Myrianthopoulos NC. Congenital malformations: the contribution of twin studies. Birth Defects (Original Article Series) 1978; 14: 151-65. 17. Ágústsson Þ, Geirsson RT. Athugun á tvíburafæðingum eftir eðlilegan getnað og glasafrjóvgun. Læknablaðið 1995; 81: 242-7. 18. Fyler DC. Report of the New England regional infant cardiac program. Pediatrics 1980; 65/Suppl.: 375-410. 19. Emmanouilides GC, Riemenschneider TA, Allen HD, Gutgesell HP (ed.). Moss and Adams Heart Disease in Infants, Children and Adolescents. 5th ed. Baltimore, USA: Williams and Wilkins, 1995. 20. Martin GR, Perry LW, Ferencz C. Increased prevalence of ventricular septal defect: epidemic or improved diag- nosis. Pediatrics 1989; 83: 200-3. 21. Moore KL. The Developing Human. 4th ed. Philadel- phia, USA: W.B. Saunders, 1988: 122.
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