

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1997, Side 24

Læknablaðið - 15.12.1997, Side 24
810 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 Berklar hjá innflytjendum á íslandi Stefán Þorvaldsson1*, Þorsteinn Blöndal1,2’, Haraldur Briem3’ Þorvaldsson S, Blöndal Þ, Bricni H Tuberculous infcction and tuberculosis in the foreign born in Iccland Læknablaðið 1997; 83: 810-6 Objective: The purpose of the study was to find the incidence and prevalence of tuberculosis among the foreign-born in Iceland. Material and methods: The study material was ob- tained from (a) the National TB register and (b) the files of the Immigration Office on recidency appli- cants in 1995. Results: In 1975-1996 there were 32 cases of TB in the foreign-born out of a total of 468. The propor- tion of cases among the foreign-born rose signif- icantly during the period (p<0.001). In 22 years the incidence of TB among the foreign-born was 18.0 but 8.4 among those born in Iceland (p<0.001). The incidence of TB in Asian-born was 173.7, or 21 times that among those born in Iceland (p<0.001). The second highest incidence (18.8) was in those born in North and South America. Tuberculosis usually ap- peared within five years of immigration. During 1995 the 559 applicants for recidence permit provid- ed health certificates. Of these 363 had a tuberculin skin test (TST) and 42% were positive. The corre- sponding figure for those born in Africa was 68%, in Asia 58% and in East Europa 50%. Most of those with positive TST had a chest x-ray but also 23% of the others. 26.2% had neither a TST nor a chest x-ray but still received a health certificate. Only 33% of those positive received isoniazide to elim- Frá 1,Heilsuverndarstöö Reykjavíkur, 2)lyflækningadeild Landspítalans, 3|Sjúkrahúsi Reykjavíkur. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Stefán Þorvaldsson, Heilsuverndarstöð Reykja- víkur, 101 Reykjavík. inate infection and 88% of these completed at least six months of isoniazide treatment. Conclusion: A TST is an indispensable part of health screening for immigrants and also a chest x-ray when appropriate. Treatment of TB infection should be used more often. Key words: tuberculosis, tuberculous infection, immigra- tion. Ágrip Tilgangur: Tilgangur rannsóknar var að finna nýgengi berkla meðal innflytjenda á ís- landi. Efniviður og aðferðir: Efniviður var annars vegar sóttur í berklaskrá og hins vegar í skrá Útlendingaeftirlitsins um þá sem sóttu um dvalarleyfi árið 1995. Niðurstöður: Á árunum 1975-1996 greindust 468 berklatilfelli á íslandi, þar af 32 berklatil- felli meðal innflytjenda. Hlutfall innflytjenda meðal berklaveikra jókst marktækt á tímabil- inu (p<0,001). Nýgengi berklaveiki meðal inn- flytjenda var 18,0 á 22 árum en meðal inn- fæddra íslendinga 8,4 (p<0,001). Nýgengi meðal innflytjenda frá Asíu var 173,7 eða 21 sinnum hærra en meðal innfæddra Islendinga (p<0,001) en þar á eftir komu innflytjendur frá ríkjum Ameríku með nýgengi 18,8. Berkla- veiki kom venjulega fram innan fimm ára frá komu til landsins. Árið 1995 framvísuðu 559 manns sem sóttu um dvalarleyfi læknisvott- orði. Af þeim fór rúmur fjórðungur (26,2%) hvorki í berklapróf né lungnamynd. Af 363 berklaprófuðum umsækjendum um dvalarleyfi voru 42% jákvæðir. Samsvarandi tölur fyrir fólk frá Afríku voru 68%, Asíu 58% og Aust- ur-Evrópu 50%. Flestir jákvæðra fóru í



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