

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1998, Blaðsíða 44

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1998, Blaðsíða 44
42 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 Nýr doktor í læknisfræði Þann 20. september 1996 lauk Þóra Stein- grímsdóttir doktorsprófi í læknisfræði frá Upp- salaháskóla. Doktorsritgerðin ber enska titil- inn Energy Economy of the Human Uterus. In vitro and in vivo Investigations of the Uterine Smooth Muscle in Different Functional States og fjallar um orkubúskap legvöðva. Ágrip úr ritgerðinni fer hér á eftir. This thesis concerns some aspects of energy metabolism of the human uterus in term preg- nant and the nonpregnant state. The uterine smooth muscle was compared with striated skeletal muscle in the same individual. Uterine uptake and release of some energy-related me- tabolites (amino acids and metabolites of car- bohydrates, fat and nucleotides) were estimat- ed by means of calculation of arteriovenous differences in their concentrations across the term pregnant uterus before onset of labour. Concentrations of the same metabolites as well as some nucleosides and high-energy phospho- compounds were also determined in lyophil- ized biopsies of the myometrium and the striat- ed rectus muscle obtained in term pregnancy before onset of labour. Uterine smooth muscle and the striated gastrocnemius muscle of non- pregnant women of reproductive age were in- vestigated in vivo by phosphorus magnetic re- sonance spectroscopy (31P-MRS) with regard to the content of high-energy phosphocom- pounds and their interrelationships. The arteriovenous differences across the term pregnant uterus were positive (denoting a uterine uptake) only for glucose. For all other metabolites the differences were negative (am- ino acids, lactate, free fatty acids and glycerol) or nonsignificant (pyruvate, hypoxanthine, xanthine and urate). The term pregnant myometrium contained Þóra starfar sem sérfræðingur í kvenlækningum við Há- skólasjúkrahúsiö í Uppsölum. Heimilisfangið þar er; Kvinnokliniken, Akademiska sjukhuset, S-751 85 Uppsala, Sverige. about twice as much glucose and lactate as did the rectus muscle. There was also a striking myometrial abundance of the nucleosides, adenosine, inosine and uridine. The concent- rations of phosphocreatine (PCr) and ATP were lower in the uterine than in the striated muscle. The PCr/ATP ratio in the myometr- ium had a value of about one third of the value in the rectus muscle. 31P-MRS in vivo revealed a three times hig- her PCr/ATP ratio in the striated muscle than in the uterine smooth muscle, thus confirming the difference between the ratios in the biochemically analyzed biopsies in vitro. The term pregnant uterus utilizes glucose as its principal and sole energy substrate. The anaerobic component of glucose oxidation is predominant in the uterine muscle. Augment- ed glycogen turnover in the myometrium is indicated. From these studies, it can be conclu- ded, that the uterine smooth rnuscle appears as an organ with highly restrictive energy dem- ands.
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