

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1998, Page 15

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1998, Page 15
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 377 Fig. 2. Colonies produced by síimulation of progenitor cells isolated from umbilical cord blood with different cocktails of growth factors. A) BFU-E colony containing erythroblasts (magnification 275x). B) CFU-GM colony containing granulocytes (smaller) and macrophages (bigger) (magnification 660x). 1200 U z 'o o) 0) o u 800 -.1 •I. •!( ••• r >. ••* .;•• I. GFU-GM before freezing GFU-GM after freezing BFU-E before freezing BFU-E after freezing Fig. 3. Colony formalion (CFU-GM and BFU-E) of mononuclear cells isolated from 19 umbilical cord blood samples before and afterfreezing in liquid nitrogen. Bars represent tlte mean±standard error of the mean. No significant difference was found between colony growtli before and after freezing (p=0.13 for CFU-GM; p=0.16 for BFU-E) Table III. Results of CD34+ selection from five umbilical cord blood samples isolated with anti-CD34 coated DynaBeads. (n) "MNC x106 Z1CD34 (%) CD34+ x105 Purity (% CD34) CD34+ x105 Yield 1 70 0.92 6.44 39.0 1.24 19.2 2 100 0.50 5.00 39.4 1.17 23.4 3 100 0.70 7.00 37.5 2.44 34.9 3)4 120 0.85 10.20 79.2 8.23 80.7 3I5 200 0.62 12.40 95.6 9.57 77.2 '] Number of mononuclear cells in the beginning. ■> Proportion of CD34+ cells in each MNC sample according to FACS analysis. 31 These samples were depleted of CD19+ cells before CD34 selection.



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