

Læknablaðið - 15.11.2004, Blaðsíða 19

Læknablaðið - 15.11.2004, Blaðsíða 19
FRÆÐIGREINAR / ÞROSKI FIMM ÁRA FYRIRBURA Litlir fyrirburar á íslandi Niðurstöður þroskamælinga við fimm ára aldur Ingibjörg Georgsdóttir1 SÉRFRÆÐINGUR I BARNA- OG NÝBURALÆKNINGUM Evald Sæmundsen2 SÁLFRÆÐINGUR OG SER- FRÆÐINGUR í FÖTLUNUM Þóra Leósdóttir2 IÐJUÞJÁLFI Ingibjörg Símonardóttir3 TALMBINAFRÆÐINGUR Snæfríður Þóra Egilson4 IÐJUÞJÁLFI Atli Dag- bjartsson:>’6 SÉRFRÆÐINGUR í BARNA- OG NÝBURALÆKNINGUM 'Tryggingastofnun ríkisins, 2Greiningar- og ráðgjafarstöð ríkisins, ’Fræðslu- og menn- ingarsviði, Garðabæ, 4Háskól- anum á Akureyri, ’Barnaspít- ala Hringsins, ‘Læknadeild Háskóla íslands. Fyrirspurnir og bréfaskipti: Ingibjörg Georgsdóttir, Tryggingastofnun ríkisins, Laugavegi 114,150 Reykjavík. ingibjge@tr.is Lykilurð: litlir fyrirburar, þroski, taugaþroskamœlingar, langtímahorfur. Ágrip Inngangur: Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar „Fyrirburar - langtímaeftirlit með heilsu og þroska” var að varpa ljósi á lífslíkur, heilsufar, þroska og langtímahorfur lítilla íslenskra fyrirbura sem vógu minna en lOOOg við fæðingu og bera saman við fullburða jafnaldra. Þessi hluti rannsóknarinnar fjallar um helstu niður- stöður þroskamælinga og niðurstöður á mati foreldra á hegðun barna sinna. Aðferðir: Allir 35 litlir fyrirburar áranna 1991-95 og 55 jafnaldra samanburðarbörn tóku þátt í fram- skyggnri rannsókn á heilsu og þroska. Börnin komu til læknisskoðunar við rúmlega fimm ára aldur á ár- unum 1996-2001 og gengust undir mælingar á vits- munaþroska, málþroska, og skynhreyfiþroska. Auk þess svöruðu foreldrar barnanna spurningum um at- ferli þeirra. Við úrvinnslu var gerður samanburður á frammistöðu fyrirbura og samanburðarbarna. Niðurstöður: Mælingar á vitsmunaþroska samkvæmt Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intellig- ence-Revised (WPPSI-R) sýndu lægri heildarniður- stöðu hjá fyrirburum en samanburðarhópi (p<0,001). Pessi munur var meira afgerandi á verklegum hluta en málhluta. Mat á málþroska með Test of Language Development-2P (TOLD-2P) sýndi að málþroska- tala var lægri hjá fyrirburum en samanburðarbörnum (p=0,025). Ekki kom fram munur á hópunum þegar frammistaða þeirra á einstökum undirprófum eða málkerfum og málþáttum var borin saman. Mælingar á þroska með megináherslu á skynjun og hreyfing- ar samkvæmt Miller Assessment for Preschoolers (MAP) sýndu að heildarskor fyrirbura var lægra en samanburðarbarna (p<0,001) og reyndist mestur munur á skynhreyfiþáttum og skynúrvinnslu. Mark- tækur munur kom í ljós á þremur af fimm kvörðum matstækisins þar sem frammistaða fyrirburanna var síðri. Niðurstöður mælinga á fínhreyfifærni með Fin- ENGLISH SUMMARY Georgsdóttir I, Sæmundsen E, Leósdóttir Þ, Símonardóttir I, Egilson SÞ Extremely Low Birthweight Infants in lceland. Neurodevelopmental profile at five years of age Læknablaðið 2004; 90: 747-54 Objective: This study was part of a geographically defined national study on survival, health, development, and longterm outcome of extremely low birthweight infants (ELBW; birthweight < 10OOg) in lceland focusing on development and neurodevelopmental measures in comparison to a reference group. Methods: All 35 ELBW longtime survivors born in 1991- 95 and 55 children as matched reference group were enrolled in a prospective study on longterm health and development. The children underwent medical examinat- ions and neurodevelopmental testing at five years of age in 1996-2001, and their parents answered a questionn- aire on their behavior. Comparison was made between ELBW infants and the reference group. Results: Cognitive measures with the Wechsler Pre- school and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Revised (WPPSI-R) showed significantly lower full scale IQ scores for the ELBW group compared to the reference group (p<0.001). More difference was apparent between the groups for the performance IQ than the verbal IQ. Scores on Test of Language Development (TOLD-2P) showed differences between the ELBW group and the reference group on the total language quotient (p=0.025). Sign- ificant differences were not obtained between the groups on TOLD-2P's individual subtests, languistic features nor linguistic systems. Total Scores on the Miller Assessment for Preschoolers (MAP) with emphasis on sensory motor development, were significantly lower for the ELBW group compared to the reference group (p<0.001). Addit- ionally, significant differences were found on three of five subscales of the MAP. Evaluation of fine motor skills with the Finmotorisk utvecklingsstatus 1 -7ár (FU) revealed significant differences (p<0.001), favoring the reference group. Parental answers on the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) showed differences between the groups on three of eight factors in favor of the reference group (p<0.001). Conclusions: Developmental testing at five years of age indicates that the performance of 25% of the ELBW children in this study, is consistent with that of same age peers. However, as a group, the ELBW children performed significantly poorer regarding cognitive development and sensory-motor skills when compared to the reference group. The most prominent neurodev- elopmental difficulties of the ELBW children were within perceptual organization, coordination, and executive skills. Behavior problems were not rated as significant according to parental answers, although there were some differences between the groups. Since a large portion of ELBW children experiences developmental problems, it is important to provide early intervention during preschool years and support services and special education during school years, to reduce the longterm effects of develop- mental deficits. Key words: extremely iow birthweight intants, development, neurodevelopmental testing, longterm outcome. Correspondance: Ingibjörg Georgsdóttir, ingibjge@tr.is Læknablaðið 2004/90 747
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