Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2017, Side 13
Tímarit Hins íslenska náttúrufræðifélags
English Summary
Tourist attitudes towards trans-
mission lines in Icelandic nature
In the last few years tourist visits to
Iceland have increased dramatically and
the tourism industry has grown im-
mensely. Most tourists visit the country
because of its nature, and thus particular
care has to be taken when its appearance
is altered. A growing demand for elec-
tricity has increased the need for a more
powerful distribution network through-
out Iceland and there are plans for build-
ing new transmission lines, either in ar-
eas where these are already in place, or
a c ro s s t h e h i g h l a n d p l a t e a u
Sprengisandur. Due to the importance
of tourism and the necessity for reinforc-
ing the electric transmission system, it is
imperative to understand the attitudes
of tourists and the tourism industry to-
wards transmission lines in nature.
Little research has been conducted on
the effects of transmission lines on tour-
ists’ nature experiences. However, as a
part of environmental impact assess-
ments, several reports have been written
in Iceland on the effects of proposed
transmission lines on tourism. Tourists’
attitudes were analysed using a ques-
tionnaire at seven locations where the
construction of a power plant is pending.
We found that tourists are generally neg-
ative towards transmission lines, espe-
cially in the Highlands. Transmission
lines are considered one of the least de-
sirable structures and most people do
not consider them appropriate in wil-
derness areas. Still, there is a considera-
ble dissimilarity between the positions
of different nationalities, the opposition
towards transmission lines being high-
est among Icelandic tourists.
Guðmundur Björnsson, Birgitta Stefánsdóttir, Silja Gunnarsdóttir og Ása
Margrét Einarsdóttir dreifðu spurningalistum til ferðamanna. Gerður
Gautsdóttir og Hulda Þorsteinsdóttir aðstoðuðu við innslátt gagnasafnsins
og Adam Hoffritz annaðist kortagerð. Georgette Leah Burns, Laufey Har-
aldsdóttir og Egill Björn Thorstensen sáu um dreifingu og innslátt spurn-
ingalista í Skagafirði. Rannveig Ólafsdóttir veitti góð ráð til úrbóta á hand-
ritinu og Áslaug J. Marinósdóttir las handritið yfir með tilliti til málsfars.
Þeim öllum er þökkuð aðstoðin.
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