Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1970, Side 213
Horer xok/ tuttugu menn kuomu til J>essa sama |7 stadar ok geinngn
til uinkiallaRa at drecka uin ok drucku \>ar Jjria daga eda fiora
suo at |8 mikif meira drucku Jietr enn J>eir liefdi peranirmga til at
bitala lyrer. Vinseliarenw beiddi|9zst peraninwganna lyrer uim'd ok
sagdi at eiwgeim Jaetrra sky??di fyufl j bwrtu fara enn £>eir hefde |
10 bitalad einw Jreirra dryckiu manwarma taladi suo til kummpanwa
sinna uile ]rier ha|nfa gott Rad sagdi hann })ier jatudu \mi Emmp-
rurenn hier seger hann heler se tt J)au laug at huer |12 blirmdwr
mad-ar skaZ hafa af hans apewnirmgurø huwdrat skillinwga ok skidu
uer kasta hluti |13 med oss ollurø ok J>eim s em hlutwrenrø. fellr sk<ul)u
uer stimiga ut bædi augurø sa Ipeim ok suo ska? hann |141il emprarsenws
husa fara ok epter laugunwm beidazst hmmdrat skillinwga megu
suo leysa |15 oss Ok er hans felagar heyndu J)etta urdu Jpefr glader
uid ok ]pot[t]i Jaetta gott nad. kostu|16du sidaa hlute ok feil |)eim
hlutwrenw sem J)etta Rad l[a]gdi ok stunngu ut bædi hans augu |
17 ok leddu hann sidaw, blin?idaim til emmprarsenws husa ok beiddizt
11 ]>i>r, sic, read J>eir.
12 aperaninngu?«, sic, read penninngu?«; the scribe probably began to write af hans
14 megu, read megu (uer).
6 and alle thei went into a taverne, and there satte drynkyng iij. daies or
iiij. tille thei hadde dronkene more wyne than they hade money to paye.
Than the tavernore askede hem for his wyne, and saide, “None of you
shalle go, tille that I be paide.” Than saide one of the drynkers, “Wille we
have a goode counsaile?” And they saide, “Ye, I pray the.” Than he saide,
io “Ye know alle wele everychone, that the Emperours law is, that every
6v biynde man shalle || have an hundred shelynges of the Emperours tresorye.
Therfore east we lotte amonge vs, and lette se vpone whom the lotte shalle
falle, and his bothe eyene lette be put out; and so he may go to the paleys,
15 and after the law aske in the tresorye of the Emperour an hundrede shillynges;
and withe tho hundrede shillynges we may acquyte vs alle.” Whan his
felawes hadde herde this, thei were right glade, and saiden, “This is right
a goode counsaile.” And so anone thei cast lotte, and the lotte fille vpon
hym that gafe the counsaile; and so his felishippe put out his eyene. And
whan he was biynde, one of his felawes lade him to the paleys; and than
7 wyne] payment 7333.
8 drynkers] + and saide to his felowis 7333.