Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1970, Síða 225
heyitde Jpetta. suarade hann suo Jie-ssa hialp ska? ek giora pier ek |
32 ska? kasta pier ut or minum husum sem audrurø forrædara
kongsenns enn taka af Jpinu go|33zse pat er ek kann. kemw hann
til annars sinns uinar ok seger allt sem enum fyna enn hann suar|34ar.
J)u forrædare kongsenns seger hann ek ska? leida J)ig til myRkuastofu
ok par ska? setia pik i
34 i, the first word on the next leaf was probably fiåtur.
agaynes the kynge the kynge, he seide, “This I shalle do to the, I shalle caste
oute of myne house the traytoure of the kynge, ånde I shalle take what
20 I may of thi goodes.” The seoonde frende seide, “The kynges traytoure I
shalle lede to prisoune, ånde there shalle I sette hym faste by the fete, in a
depe pitte.” The thride seide, “I shalle lede the kynges traitoure to the
galowes, ånde there shalle I hange hyme vppe.” The sone come home, ånde
tolde his fadire what his frendes hade seide. The fadir seide, “Sone, thou
26 haste no frende; for the fyrste frende is a frende of name, the seoonde is
a frende atte mete, the thride is ane enemy at nede.” Than seide the fadir,
“Sone, go to my frende alone that I haue, that is, the Sone of Gode, Jhesu
54 r Criste, ånde telle hyme thy cause.” The sonne || dide so. Thanne his faders
frende saide, “If thou haue any thefte, brynge it to me, ånde if it be treasone,
30 putt it to me; ånde I shalle dey for the.” Than he this was demyde a frende
alone, amonge alle other. [Declaracio]. The fyrste frende is the worlde, or
ellys money, for the which man consumys hym selfe nyght ånde day, in
laboure ånde besynesse. The seoonde frende is the flessh...
O = AM 696 VII 4to.
English texts see pp. 194-5, 192-4.
ir * 1 dreckt morgum manne j sio amtar sagooooooooo|2a dreigit margan
man til synda og oooooooo|3e en Jaride til ag<i)rne og saurlifs sumooooooooo|
O, I. Ir
1-7 A corner of the page, including ca. 8 letters at the end of each line, has been
cut off.
1- 2 sag[dizt haf]a.
2- 3 og [drambsemje? f‘mikillæti,’ which is used for ‘pride' 2r2, cannot be used
here since the ending is clearly -e, not -es).
3 sumfer beirra]?