Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana - 01.06.1970, Page 228
eige fra Jjeirri p|23inu er hun Jioler up a ein dag gior )rig til |24 prestz
og bid gud at haren uilie syna Jiier huersu |2S J)in moder megi hialpazt.
haren giorde so og so |26 sem haren hafd* sungit sina fyrstu Messu
dualld|27iz haren epter ein samare j kiurkiune og jafn. |28 oooooo
[s]yndizt horerem hans modur og synde horerem |29 ooooooond brenanrede
a huere hure uar uonooo |30 oooooooll hring. Epter J>etta synrede hure
2 r ho H1 sitt hiarta blod brenanda ooooooooooooooo|2ngande ]pat uar
fyrer mickooooooooooooooo [3 4 j sitt hiarta og herenar klæda [b]oooooooooooooo|
4din uar hure brend til ausku og ooooooooooooooo |5 * sagde pessar pinur
t>y[l]00000000000000 I6 V4j sinum huern dagh og heooooooooooooooo |7 su hun
mætti leyst uerda aooooooooooooooo |8 hure su(a)rar bidiande haren
syngia oooooooooooooo |9 arit um kring haren sagdeizt ]aat giarnan
uili|10a og Jaegar huarf hure fra hans syn og epter arit |n um k endat
28-30 About 6 or 7 letters have been cut off at the beginning of each of these lines;
in II. 29-30 the end is also damaged, cf. Ir30-32.
28 [skiott] as in N, the top of the sk remains.
[s]yndizt, the top hook of the first letter remains.
29 [sina ho]nd.
uon [at]
30 [bera gu]ll, the latter stroke of the u remains.
1-8 The latter part of these lines, ca. 14 letters in each line, has been cut away.
1-2 [og eina pauddu £>ar a hajngande, or something similar, cf. N, which however,
has nagandi corresponding to the English text.
2 mick[ilæte er hun haf de], as in N.
3-4 klæda [burd og upp a sta]din, as in N.
4 [reis upp aptur ogi, as in N.
5 py [lide hun], as in N, does not fill the space; one feels tempted to guess by [Ude
hun vij tige og~\ vij sinum, combining seuynty times from 9066 with si6 sinnumm
from N.
6-7 he[nnar son spurdi huer]su, as in N.
7 a[f b©ssare pinu], as in N, (the form bessare would fill the space better than
N’s b©sse^
8 [messur fyrer henne ba^]> as N-
9 sagdeizt, sic, sagde corrected to sagdizt in scribendo ?
11 um k, no doubt an erroneous repetition from arit um kring in l. 9.