

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1997, Side 92

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1997, Side 92
Hrefna Kristmannsdóttir 1982. Alteration of the IRDP hole compared with other drill holes in Iceland. J. Geophys. Res. 87. 6525-6531. Hrefna Kristmannsdóttir & Jens Tómasson 1978. Zeolite zones in geothermal areas in Iceland. I Natural zeolites, occurrence, properties, use. Pergamon Press, New York. 277-284. Ingvar Birgir Friðleifsson 1979. Geothennal ac- tivity in Iceland. Jökull 29. 47-56. Kristján Sæmundsson & Ingvar Birgir Friðleifs- son 1980. Jarðhiti og jarðffæðirannsóknir. Náttúruffæðingurinn 50. 157-188. Sigurður R. Gíslason, P.J. Heaney, D.R. Veblen & K.J.T. Livi 1993. The difference between the solubility of quartz and chalcedony: the cause? Chem. Geol. 107. 363-366. Sigurður R. Gíslason & Stefán Amórsson 1990. Saturation state of natural waters in Iceland relative to primary and secondary minerals in basalts. I Fluid-Mineral Interactions: A Tribute to H.P. Eugster. The Geochemical Society, Sp. Publ. no. 2. 373-393. Stefán Amórsson 1969. A geochemical study of selected elements in thermal waters of Iceland. Óbirt doktorsritgerð, Imperial College, London. 353 bls. Sigurður R. Gislason, Stefán Amórsson & Halldór Armannsson 1996. Chemical weathering of ba- salt in southwest Iceland: Effects of mnoff, age of rocks and vegetational/glacial cover. Amer. J. Sci. 296. 837-907. Stefán Amórsson 1995a. Geothermal systems in Iceland: Structure and conceptual models - I. High-temperature areas. Geothermics 24. 561- 602. Stefán Amórsson 1995b. Geothermal systems in Iceland: Stmcture and conceptual models - II. Low-temperature areas. Geothennics 24. 603- 629. Walker G.P.L. 1960. Zeolite zones and dike distri- bution in relation to the stmcture of basalts of eastem Iceland. J. Geol. 68. 515-528. Walker G.P.L. 1963. The Breiddalur central vol- . cano, eastem Iceland. Q. J. Geol. Soc. London 119. 29-63. PÓSTFANG HÖFUNDAR Stefán Arnórsson Jarðfræðihúsi Háskólans v/Hringbraut 101 Reykjavík 202
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