Ný saga - 01.01.2001, Side 99

Ný saga - 01.01.2001, Side 99
Svanur Kristjánsson The President and Iceland's f'oreign policy. A White House visit in 1944 (Forsetinn og utanrfkisstefnan. Bandaríkjaför Sveins Björnssonar árið 1944) The article deals with a shift in Iceland’s foreign policy, abandoning neutrality to adopt a special relationship with the United States. The study focuses mainly on the domestic sources of this foreign policy shift. In the early 1940’s two main contending politi- cal blocs had formed in Iceland. One bloc con- sisted of strong nationalists on both the Right and the Left, advocating strict adherence to the tradi- tional policy of Iceland's neutrality, including demands for the un-conditional withdrawal of all American armed forces from Iceland after the World War. Another bloc was made up of the middle-of-the-road Progressives, the Social Democrats, and part of the Right. The President of Iceland, Sveinn Björnsson, was strongly in favour of the special relationship with the United Sates and did not wish to rule out continuing American military presence in Iceland after the War. By skillful political moves the President laid the groundwork for a foreign policy based on bilateral agreements between Iceland and the United States. A very important step in thal direction was the President’s visit to the White House in August 1944, when he engaged in exten- sive discussions with President Roosevelt, the content of which are clearly revealed by the speeches given by both of them at a White House state dinner on August 24,1944. A new bilateral treaty between Iceland and the United States was signed in 1946, providing for the continued US use of the Keflavík base by the United States government including access by United States military aircraft. VIEWPOINT (SJÓNARHÓLL) Jón Páll Halldórsson At the dawn of a new century (Við aldamót) Public discussion about the greatest historical fig- ures of Ihe 20th century has tended to focus on politicians, poets and writers, while largely ignor- ing entrepreneurs who have had more impact on the fate of the nation than the politicians. The author assesses the contribution of some of Ihese Summaries trail-blazers of the Icelandic economy, while at Ihe same time describing some of the major eco- nomic changes associated with the industrialisa- tion of Iceland after the turn of the 20th century. These include technological advances in the fish- ing industry, development of engineering knowl- edge and the utilisation of geothermal power for space heating in Reykjavik which started during the Second World War. Björgvin Sigurðsson History on the Internet inforniation highway (Sagnfræðin á hraðbraut veraldarvefsins) With the emergence of the Internet the possibili- ties to publish historical works ol' every kind have changed dramatically. However, the digital revo- lution has also raised interesting questions and brings new problems to light. This article focuses on the work that has been done in Icelandic history on the Internet and aims to identify the problems that the broad use of the Internet has created. Evaluating the authenticity and the reliability of sources is one of the main concerns as well as organized collection of elec- tronic data and publications. Just how the prac- tice of history will develop in the electronic and Internet world of the future is somewhat uncer- tain, but it is important for historians to continue lively discussions and find solutions and proper methodologies for dealing with the challenges that the Internet has created. DEBATE (SKIPTAR SKOÐANIR) Birna Þórðardóttir and Sævar Gunnarsson 1968: Year of strife (Átakaárið 1968) As in many other European countries the year 1968 was marked by frequent mass demonstra- tions and street clashes, culminating on 23 December 1968. In addition to protests against the war in Vietnam, the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia and other international events, there was unrest caused by domestic problems such as unemploynrent, economic recession and housing shortages. In this paper two participants in the conflicts, Birna Þórðardóttir, prominenl leader of the far-lelt socialist group Fylkingin, and Sævar Gunnarsson, a retired assistant chief constable of the Reykjavík police force, discuss the events of the year 97
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