Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1949, Qupperneq 105

Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga - 01.01.1949, Qupperneq 105
ÞINGTÍÐINDI 103 12tí7 Dominion Stt., Winnipeg, August 7th 1948 Building Investigation Committee Icelandic National League c/o Mr. G. L. Johannson 910 Palmerston Ave., Winnipeg. Gentlemen: Your letter, re the proposed construc- tion of a meeting and recreational hall to fulfill the social reqirements of the Ice- landic people of Winnipeg, was read and discussed at the annual meeting of the Icelandic Canadian Club. It was noted with pleasure that your organization had taken concrete stei>a towards the furtherance of this, much- needed project, and it was the feeling of the meeting that the Icelandic National League is to be commended for its enter- prise and leadership in this matter. As you know, it has been the policy of the Icelandic Canadian Club at all times to take an interest and an active part in matters pertaining to the welfare of the Ieelandic community, and in a matter such as the construction of the hall, the accomplishment of which we feel, is a ”must ” to ensure the continuance of Ice- landic community life in Winnipeg, our organizatioin will render its assistance to the utmost of its ability. I regret that we are not able at this time to give you definite answer to your Question regarding finanoial assistance. Our membership is rather small, and the financial resources of our club is very limited. However, I feel certain that the organization will make a determined ef- fort to raise funds once the project that you have started is more clearly defined. IVe would, therefore, appreciate it very utuch if you would be so kind as to talce us into your confidence regarding any Plans that you have formulated, such as type of building you plan to build, esti- htated cost, approximate amount of money required to complete the project, etc. With the assurance of our co-operation and assistance, I remain, Yours sincerely, Axel Vopnfjord. 869 Garfieid St., February 19, 1949 Mr. J. J. Bildfell Secretary, Iceiandic National League, Winnipeg, Man. Dear Mr. Bildfell: In answer to your communieation re- garding the building of a community hall (or Memorial Hall) for the use of the Icelandic ccmmunity here, the Jon Sig- urdson Chapter, I. O. D. E. wishes to go on record as heartily in favor of such a project. It was with keen satisfaction that the chapter noted the resolutions passed ar. the League convention last year regard- ing this proposed project, and as soon as the League sees fit to launch tlie enterprise the chapter will of course make special efforts to raise sorne funds to further the work. Being a srnall organization our contribution may not amount to íarge surns of rnoney, compara- tively speaking hut the League can count on the whole-hearted support of every member of our chapter. We have no doubt that other organiza- tions among us will give this worthy pro- ject their full support, as all are agreed as to the need of such a centre, if the Ice- landic community here is to keep up any social or combined cultural activities. Wishing the Icelandic National League every success in its work, and especially in this vital matter of the community hall, we remain. Yours very sincerely The Jon Sigurdson Chapter, I. O. D E. F. Benson, Regent. H. Ðanielson, Secretary. UmræÖur uröu nokkrar um máliiS. Eftir aS þeim var lokiÖ, ba'ö forseti leyfis að mega bæta tveimur mönnum í þing- nefndina í því máli. Jón Asgeirsson lagði til, og Jón ólafsson studdi, aö leyfi það sé veitt, samþykkt. Forseti skipaði þá Pál Bardal og Walter Lindal dðmara í nefnd- ina. ólafur Þorsteinsson gerði tillögu urn að þinghaldstima Þjóöræknisfélagsins sé breytt frá febrúarmánuði til júnímánaðar, sem Jón ólason studdi. Fcrseti benti á að á uppástunguna yrði að líta sem tii- kynningu um lagabreytingu og liún yrði þvi lögum samkvæmt að ieggjast fyrir næsta þing. Fræðslumálanefndin lagði aftur fram 4. lið álits síns, og var hann samþykktur og svo nefndarálitið I heild.
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Tímarit Þjóðræknisfélags Íslendinga

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