

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1998, Page 15

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1998, Page 15
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 15 hópskoðun finnast með þriðju gráðu leiðslurof þurfa gangráð og horfur þessara einstaklinga ráðast fremur af öðrum sjúkdómum en leiðslu- rofinu. HEIMILDIR 1. Chung E. Atrioventricular conduction disturbances. In: Principles of cardiac arrythmias. 4th ed. Baltimore, Ma- ryland. Williams and Wilkins, 1989: 273-344. 2. Johnson RL, Averill KH. Lamb LE. Electrocardio- graphic findings in 67,375 asymptomatic Subjects. VII. Atrioventricular block. Am J Cardiol 1960; 23: 153-77. 3. Graybiel A, McFarland RA, Gates DC, Webster FA. Analysis of the electrocardiograms obtained from 1000 young healthy aviators. Am Heart J 1944; 27: 524. 4. Manning GW. Electrocardiography in the selection of Royal Canadian Air Force aircrew. Circulation 1954; 10: 384. Tilvitnun frá (quoted in) Johnson RL, et al (2). 5. Rose G. Baxter PJ. Reid DD. McCartney P. Prevalence and prognosis of electrocardiographic findings in mid- dle-aged men. Br Heart J 1978; 40: 636-43. 6. Ostrander LD, Brandt RL, Kjelsberg MO, Epstein FH. Electrocardiographic findings among the adult popula- tion of a total natural community, Tecumseh, Michigan. Circulation 1965; 31: 888-98. 7. Zoob M, Smith SK. The aetiology of complete heart- block. Br Med J 1963 ; 2: 1149-53. 8. Ginks W, Sutton R, Siddons H, Leatham A. Unsuspect- ed coronary artery disease as cause of chronic atrioven- tricular block in middle age. Br Heart J 1980; 44: 699- 702. 9. Harris A, Davies M, Redwood D, Leatham A, Siddons H. Aetiology of chronic heart block. A clinico-patholog- ical correlation of 65 cases. Br Heart J 1969; 31: 206-18. 10. Davies MJ. Pathology of the conducting tissue of the heart. London: Butterworths, 1971. Tilvitnun frá (quot- ed in) Ginks W, et al (8). 11. Siddons H. Deaths in long-term paced patients. Br Heart J 1974; 36: 1201-9. 12. Ginks W, Leatham A, Siddons H. Prognosis of patients paced for chronic atrioventricular block. Br Heart J 1979; 41: 633-6. 13. Davies MJ, Harris A. Pathological basis of primary heart block. Br Heart J 1969; 31: 219-26. 14. Lev M. Anatomic basis for atrioventricular block. Am J Med 1964; 37: 742-8. 15. Kennel AJ, Titus JL, McCallister' BD, Pruitt RD. The vasculature of the atrioventricular conduction system in heart block. Am Heart J 1973; 85: 593-600. 16. Silverman BG, Gross TP, Kaczmarek RG, Hamilton P, Hamburger S. The epidemiology of pacemaker implan- tation in the United States. Public Health Reports 1995; 110: 42-6. 17. Thrainsdottir IS, Hardarson T, Thorgeirsson G, Sig- valdason H, Sigfusson N. The Epidemiology of right bundle branch block and its association with cardio- vascular morbidity - The Reykjavik Study. Eur Heart J 1993; 14: 1590-6. 18. Björnsson OJ, Davidsson D, Ólafsson H, Ólafsson Ó, Sigfusson N, Thorsteinsson Th. Report ABC XVIII. Health survey in the Reykjavik area. Males. Stages I- III, 1967-68, 1970-71 and 1974-76. Participants, invita- tion, response etc. Reykjavik: Hjartavemd, 1979. 19. Björnsson G, Björnsson OJ, Davidsson D, Kristjánsson BTh, Ólafsson Ó, Sigfússon N, Thorsteinsson Th. Re- port abc XXIV. Health survey in the Reykjavik area. Wornen. Stages I-III, 1968-69, 1971-72 and 1976-78. Participants, invitation, response etc. Reykjavík; Hjartavernd, 1982.



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