

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1998, Qupperneq 16

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1998, Qupperneq 16
16 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 Áhrif vöðvaslakandi lyfja á vöðvastyrk eftir svæfingar Erla G. Sveinsdóttir, Sigurbergur Kárason, Sigurpáll Scheving, Kristinn Sigvaldason Sveinsdóttir EG, Kárason S, Scheving S, Sigvalda- son K Postoperative rcstcurarization Læknablaðið 1998; 84: 16-23 Objective: Muscle relaxants have been used during anesthesia for the past 50 years but in the last dec- ades it has been realised that their use can lead to complications. Studies have shown 20-40% inci- dence of restcurarization in postanesthesia care units (PACU) even if neuromuscular monitors are used during anesthesia. The purpose of this study was to estimate the frequency of postoperative mus- cle weakness at the Reykjavík Hospital in Iceland. Material and methods: Sixty patients, operated for laparoscopic cholecystectomy or lumbal disc pro- lapse, given muscle relaxants (vecuronium or pancu- ronium) during anesthesia were studied in the PA- CU. The 5-sec headlift test has been shown to be the best clinical sign of recovery and this sign was used to find patients with muscle weakness. Glasgow co- ma score (GCS) was used to evaluate if patients were too drowsy to co-operate and patients with GCS <12 were excluded. Measurements were made after arrival to the PACU and every 30 minutes thereafter until headlift was at least five seconds. Results: Incidence of restcurarization was 17% on arrival to the PACU and these patients were signif- icantly lower in oxygen saturation before oxygen supplementation was started. Thirty minutes after Frá svæfinga- og gjörgæsludeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Kristinn Sigvaldason, svæfinga- og gjörgæsludeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur, Fossvogi, 108 Reykjavík. Lykilorð: vöðvaslökun, eftirstöðvar vöðvaslökunar, vökn- unardeild, höfuðlyfta. arrival 6% were still restcurarized and 3% after 60 minutes. All patients had recovered after 90 min- utes. No difference was found between patients giv- en vecuronium or pancuronium in the first two mea- surements but those with iongest duration of muscle weakness had received pancuronium. Conclusion: The study shows that the incidence of muscle weakness is too high, which might increase the risk for complications such as hypoxia or respira- tory failure. To increase patient safety, shorter act- ing drugs are recommended and the use of new nervestimulators giving the train-of-four(TOF)-ra- tio during muscle blockade could possibly improve the situation. Correspondence: Kristinn Sigvaldason, Dpt. of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Reykjavík Hospital, 108 Reykjavík, lce- land. Key words: muscle relaxants, residualcurarization, recov- ery, head-lift. Ágrip Tilgangur: Vöðvaslakandi lyf hafa verið not- uð við svæfingar í um hálfa öld. Þau hafa leitt til mikilla framfara í svæfinga- og skurðlækn- ingum en eru vandmeðfarin. Æskilegt er að verkun þeirra sé horfin strax að lokinni skurð- aðgerð en kannanir hafa sýnt að svo er ekki í um 20-40% tilvika. í þessari könnun var at- huguð tíðni eftirstöðva vöðvaslakandi lyfja hjá sjúklingum á vöknunardeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur. Efniviður og aðferðir: Valdir voru af handa- hófi 60 sjúklingar sem gengust undir skurðað- gerð á Sjúkrahúsi Reykjavíkur og fengu vöðva- slakandi lyf. Til að meta eftirstöðvar vöðva- slökunar var notuð svokölluð fimm sekúndna höfuðlyfta en rannsóknir benda til að það sé
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