

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1998, Page 9

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1998, Page 9
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1998; 84 373 Stofnfrumugræðlingar blóðmyndandi vefs Kristbjörn Orri Guömundsson’1, Leifur Þorsteinsson11, Ásgeir Haraldsson2’, Sveinn Guðmundsson’’ Guðmundsson KO, Þorsteinsson L, Haraldsson Á, Guðmundsson S Hematopoietic stem cell grafts Læknablaðið 1998; 84: 373-9 Introduction: The number of stem cell transplanta- tions have greatly increased in the treatment of pri- mary bone marrow disorders and as a rescue therapy following high-dose chemoradiotherapy for various malignancies. Hematopoietic stem cells can be mobilized from bone marrow by hematopoietic growth factors enabling their sampling from perip- heral blood. Peripheral blood stem cell transplanta- tion is gradually replacing autologous bone marrow transplantation and is increasingly used in allogeneic settings. Transplantation using umbilical cord blood derived stem cells are also well described. Objective: To standardize the in vitro methods nec- essary for the evaluation of stem cell grafts using umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells. Material and methods: Mononuclear cells (MNC) were isolated from 57 umbilical cord blood samples. The proportion of hematopoietic stem cells (CD34+) was determined by flow cytometry. The number of clonogenic cells (BFU-E, CFU-GM) was determined by culturing MNC in methylcellulose and agar. The number of clonogenic cells was compared before and after freezing in liquid nitrogen. Results: The mean volume of collected cord blood was 43.8 ml and the number of MNC’s was 102.7XI011 cells of which 0.93% were CD34+. The number of CFU-GM was 238/105 MNC and BFU-E 506/105 MNC. After freezing and thawing the MNC, the viability was 94.9% and the number of clonogen- Frá "Blóðbankanum,z|Barnaspítala Hringsins Landspltal- anum. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Kristbjörn Orri Guðmunds- son, Blóðbankanum, 101 Reykjavík. Sími: 560 2020; bréf- sími: 562 3051; netfang: kristbj@rsp.is Lykilorð: stofnfruma, CD34, któnógenísk ræktun. ic cells was slightly decreased when compared to pre-freezing values, the difference being not statist- ically significant. The purity of CD34+ cells after selection with magnetic beads was over 95%. Conclusion: In vitro methods, neccessary for evalu- ation of hematopoietic stem cell grafts, have been standardized using umbilical cord blood derived stem cells. Keywords: stem cell, CD34, clonogenic culture. Ágrip Inngangur: Mögulegt er að auka fjölda blóðmyndandi stofnfrumna í blóðrás og ein- angra þær þaðan. Notkun þeirra í ígræðslum hefur aukist mikið undanfarin ár sem þáttur í meðferð illkynja blóðsjúkdóma og fastra æxla. Igræðslur stofnfrumna úr blóðrás hafa að mestu leyti komið í stað samgena (autologous) bein- mergsígræðslna en eru einnig að ryðja sér til rúms í stað ósamgena (allogeneic) beinmergs- ígræðslna. Blóðmyndandi stofnfrumur er hægt að einangra úr naflastrengsblóði og nota til ígræðslu. Markmið: Að staðla in vitro aðferðir sem eru nauðsynlegar við ígræðslur blóðmyndandi vefs og nota til þess einkjarna hvítfrumur úr naflastrengsblóði. Efniviður og aðferðir: Einkjarna hvítfrum- ur (mononuclear cells, MNC) voru einangraðar úr blóði 57 naflastrengja. Hlutfall CD34+ frumna var mælt með frumuflæðisjárgreiningu. Mat á fjölda kólóníumyndandi frumna (CFU- GM, BFU-E) var ákvarðað með ræktun ein- kjarna hvítfrumna í metýlsellulósa- og agaræti. Kólóníuvöxtur var borinn saman fyrir og eftir frystingu í fljótandi köfnunarefni. Niðurstöður: Meðalrúmmál naflastrengs- blóðs sem safnaðist var 43,8 ml. Fjöldi ein-



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