

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1999, Qupperneq 37

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1999, Qupperneq 37
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1999; 85 33 Blöðrunýrnasjúkdómur meö ríkjandi erfðamáta á íslandi Erfðafræðileg rannsókn Ragnheiður Fossdal1, Magnús Böðvarsson2, Páll Ásmundsson2, Jóhann Ragnarsson3, Runólfur Pálsson2 Fossdal R, Böðvarsson M, Ásmundsson P, Ragn- arsson J, Pálsson R Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney discasc in Iceland - genetic study Læknablaðið 1999; 85; 33-42 Objective: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is one of the most common gene- tic diseases in humans and accounts for 8-10% of end-stage renal failure. The disease is caused by mu- tations in at least three different genes. About 85% of families with ADPKD have a mutation in a gene (PKDl) on chromosome 16p, whereas 10-15% have a mutation in a gene (PKD2) on chromosome 4q. In a few families, a third gene (PKD3) of unknown lo- cation appears to be involved. The purpose of this study was to determine the genotype of Icelandic families with ADPKD. Material and methods: We isolated DNA from 229 family members and generated genotypes for poly- morphic markers with conventional methods. Link- age analysis and haplotype analysis were performed in 14 ADPKD families, employing markers from the PKDl and PKD2 regions. Results: The abnormal gene could be located in 13 families. Eleven families demonstrated linkage to the PKDl locus and two families to the PKD2 locus. Comparison of the haplotypes of the PKDl families indicates that nine different mutations cause ADPKD1 in Iceland, including one de novo mutation. The two ADPKD2 families each have a distinct haplotype. Frá "íslenskri erfðagreiningu, 2lblóðskilunardeild og lyf- lækningadeild Landspítalans, 3llyflækningadeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Ragnheiður Fossdal, Islenskri erfðagreiningu, Lynghálsi 1, 110 Reykjavík. Sími: 570 1977. Bréfsími: 570 1903. Netfang: fossdal@decode. is Lykilorð: arfgeng blöörunýru, meingen, lengslagreining, setraöagreining, litningur 16, Iitningur4, stökkbreyting. Therefore, at least 11 different mutations cause ADPKD in Iceland. In cooperation with Dutch scien- tists, one mutation in the PKD2 gene was defined, a 16 bp deletion of a splice site between intron 1 and exon 2. Conclusions: Our results demonstrate marked gene- tic heterogeneity of ADPKD in the Icelandic popula- tion. As expected, most of the families have evidence for mutation in the PKDl gene. The stage has been set for future work, which will focus on detecting mutations in the PKD genes and defining the cor- relation between mutations and the phenotype of the disease. Key words: potycystic kidney disease, gene, linkage ana- lysis, haplotype analysis. chromosome 16, chromosome 4, mutation Ágrip Tilgangur: Blöðrunýmasjúkdómur með ríkj- andi erfðamáta (arfgeng blöðmným, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, ADPKD) er einn algengasti erfðasjúkdómur sem þekkist hjá mönnum og veldur urn 8-10% af lokastigsnýrna- bilun. Stökkbreytingar í að minnsta kosti þremur genum orsaka sjúkdóminn. Um 85% þeirra eru í geni (PKDl) á litningi 16p og 10-15% í geni (PKD2) á litningi 4q. Auk þess hefur fáeinunr fjölskyldum verið lýst þar sem ekki hefur tekist að staðsetja meingenið. Tilgangur þessarar rann- sóknar var að skilgreina arfgerð íslenskra fjöl- skyldna með arfgengan blöðmnýmasjúkdóm. Efniviður og aðferðir: Erfðaefni var ein- angrað úr blóðsýnum 229 einstaklinga í 14 blöðrunýrnafjölskyldum. Tengsla- og setraða- greining var síðan gerð með þekktum erfða- mörkum fyrir bæði meingenasvæðin (PKDl og PKD2). Niðurstöður: Unnt var að segja til um stað- setningu meingensins í 13 fjölskyldum. Ellefu
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