Fréttablaðið - 30.11.2013, Blaðsíða 77
Do you want to provide a clear view of the sky?
Tern Systems is a worldwide provider of mission critical
Air Traffic Management solutions.
We are taking on additional international projects and seek
motivated and skilled individuals for the following positions:
Tern Systems is a subsidiary of Isavia and provides systems to customers in Europe, North Africa, East Asia and Southeast Asia, see
For further information, contact Tómas Davíð Þorsteinsson, General Manager of Tern Systems, on 525-0500 or at
All applications and CVs shall be sent to
Test Engineer
Qualifications include:
experience in implementing effective test
ability to coordinate and plan software test
excellent problem solving skills,
ability to work in a collaborative, team
oriented environment,
strong verbal and written communication
5+ years in software testing,
ISTQB certification or equivalent prefered
university degree prefered.
Project Manager
Qualifications include:
technical knowledge and experience with
software development lifecycle,
knowledge and experience with Agile,
excellent communication and writing skills,
ability to effectively present status and issues
to project stakeholders,
detail-oriented with the ability to handle and
prioritize multiple concurrent projects,
ability to work in a team-oriented,
collaborative environment,
PMP (Project Management Professional)
certification or equivalent,
+5 years project management in software
Software Engineer
Qualifications include:
strong object oriented programming skills,
ideally with C++,
design and analysis experience,
software unit testing experience,
excellent problem solving and configuration
management skills,
experience with Linux distributions,
ability to work in a collaborative, team
oriented environment,
highly motivated and passionate for
delivering quality code,
3+ years in software development,
degree in computer science or in an
equivalent field.
kennarar óskast
í Tækniskólann, skóla atvinnulífsins, á vorönn 2014.
• Enska, heil staða vegna afleysinga á vorönn
• Eðlisfræði, hálf staða á vorönn
• Stærðfræði, hálf staða á vorönn.
Nánari upplýsingar veitir Kolbrún Kolbeinsdóttir,
skólastjóri Tæknimenntaskólans, í síma 514 9301
og í tölvupósti,
TæknimenntaskólinnSkipstjórnarskólinn Véltækniskólinn
Launakjör eru samkvæmt stofnanasamningi Tækniskólans og KÍ.
Umsóknarfrestur er til 8. desember. Umsóknir sendist á
Kennari í faggreinum skipstjórnar.
Skipstjórnarmenntun og reynsla nauðsynleg.
Nánari upplýsingar veitir Vilbergur Magni
Óskarsson, skólastjóri Skipstjórnarskólans,
í síma 514 9551 og í tölvupósti,
Kennari í vél- og raftæknigreinum.
Við leitum að kennara með menntun í vél-
tæknifræði eða raftæknifræði.
Nánari upplýsingar veitir Egill Guðmundsson,
skólastjóri Véltækniskólans, í síma 822 2354
og í tölvupósti,
LAUGARDAGUR 30. nóvember 2013 5