Læknablaðið - 15.05.2002, Blaðsíða 31
Starfshæfni eftir starfsendurhæfmgu
á vegum Tryggingastofnunar ríkisins
Gunnar Kr.
Friðrik H.
Tilgangur: Markmiðið með rannsókninni var að
meta árangur starfsendurhæfingar á vegum Trygg-
ingastofnunar ríkisins (TR) og hvort hún geti komið
í veg fyrir örorku.
Ef'niviður og aðferðir: Læknar TR vísuðu einstak-
lingum sem verið höfðu óvinnufærir í nokkra mánuði
vegna sjúkdóms til þverfaglegs teymis, til mats á
möguleikum á endurhæfingu og væri mælt með henni,
hvernig henni yrði þá best háttað. Aflað var upplýs-
inga úr skýrslum endurhæfingarmatsteymisins um
sjúkdómsástand, kyn, aldur, hjúskaparstöðu, fjölda
barna á framfæri og menntunarstig þeirra einstak-
linga sem metnir voru á árinu 2000. Upplýsingarnar
um hjúskaparstöðu, fjölda barna á framfæri og
menntunarstig voru bornar saman við upplýsingar
um þjóðina frá sama ári (svör við Þjóðmálakönnun
Félagsvísindastofnunar Háskóla Islands um hjúskap-
arstöðu og barnafjölda og upplýsingar frá Hagstofu
íslands um menntunarstig). Upplýsingar um starfs-
hæfni og vinnu þátttakenda eftir endurhæfingu voru
fengnar með símakönnun sem Félagsvísindastofnun
framkvæmdi. Fengnar voru upplýsingar úr gagnasafni
TR um hvort þeir sem metnir höfðu verið af endur-
hæfingarmatsteymi á árinu 2000 voru á bótum frá TR
einu til tveimur árum eftir matið. Til samanburðar var
skoðuð bótastaða einstaklinga sem fengið höfðu end-
urhæfingarlífeyri áður en starfsendurhæfing á vegum
TR hófst.
Niðurstöður: Af þeim 109 sem metnir voru af
endurhæfingarmatsteymi á árinu 2000 voru konur í
talsverðum meirihluta (um helmingi fleiri en karlar).
Meðalaldur matsþega var 35 ár. Læknisfræðilegar for-
'Tryggingastofnun ríkisins,
dæknadeild Háskóla íslands,
'Reykjalundur, 4Félagsvísinda-
stofnun Háskóla íslands
Fyrirspurnir og bréfaskipti:
Sigurður Thorlacius,
Tryggingastofnun ríkisins,
Laugavegi 114,150 Reykjavík.
Sími: 5604400,
bréfasími: 5604461,
Lykilorð: starfsendurhœfing,
Thorlacius S, Guðmundsson GK, Jónsson FH
Fitness for work after vocational rehabilitation
organized by the State Social Security Institute of
Læknablaðið 2002; 88: 407-11
Objective: The evaluation of a vocational rehabilitation
programme initiated by the State Social Security Institute
in lceland (SSSI) in 1999 with the aim of reducing disability.
Material and methods: New disability claimants who had
been unable to work because of illness for a few months at
least were referred by SSSI physicians to a multidiscipli-
nary team for assessment of rehabilitation potentials and
an advice on the appropriate type of rehabilitation. The
study group included all the 109 individuals who were
referred to the team in the year 2000. Data on marital
status, number of children and level of education was
compared with information about the lcelandic population
obtained in a national survey. The outcome of the
rehabilitation was assessed in a telephone survey, carried
out by the Social Science Research Institute, University of
lceland, 1-2 years after the assessment and by information
obtained from the disability register at SSSI. The effective-
ness of the rehabilitation programme was evaluated by
comparing the study group with a comparable group that
had started to receive rehabilitation pension before the
SSSI could offer vocational rehabilitation. Their progress
was assessed a year and half after they had contacted the
SSSI, the same length of time as the study group had been
in the in the rehabilitation programme.
Results: In the study group there were about twice as
many women as men. The mean age was 35 years (range
18-57 years). The main medical reasons for referral to the
team were musculosceletal and psychiatric disorders.
Those evaluated were more likely to be unmarried or
divorced, had more children and a lower educational level
than the general lcelandic population. After evaluation 40
individuals were referred to vocational rehabilitation for
approximately 2 months in a rehabilitation clinic; 19 were
referred to a 6 week personal computer training at a
vocational rehabilitation centre and 15 to a longer (usually
18 months) rehabilitation program in the same centre. In
all, 46 individuals received other treatment or education.
Almost three quarters (72%) of the participants in the
telephone survey said that their fitness for work had
increased after rehabilitation, but only 47% had returned to
work. At the time of the reserach, 23% were students and
it is likely that a part of them will return to work when their
studies are completed. Between one and two years after
the evaluation by the multidisciplinary team 44 out of 109
(40.4%) in the study group received disability pension and
a equal number received no social insurance benefits at
all. In the comparison group 97 out of 119 (81.5%)
received disability pension and 21 (17.7%) received no
social insurance benefits at all.
Conclusions: This study shows that vocational
rehabilitation organized by the SSSI is effective and can
prevent disability. The results of this study are similar to the
results of two Swedish studies on the same topic.
Key words: vocational rehabilitation, prevention of
Correspondence: Sigurður Thorlacius,
Læknablaðið 2002/88 407