Læknablaðið - 15.04.2012, Blaðsíða 22
Tetanus - A case report and literature review
GudmundssonB, SigurdssonAP, Thorisdottir AS
A 79 year old farmer was referred to the University Hospital with a three
days history of difficulty in opening his mouth. On examination, both
masseters were seen to be stiff, suggesting tetanus or jaw-subluxation.
An attempt to reduce the joint was made, but failed. He subsequently
developed progressive respiratory difficulties requiring intubation. The
farmer had recently cut his finger on barbed wire. He had not received
tetanus immunization for years and it was not clear whether primary imm-
unization had been completed. Tetanus immunoglobulin and antibiotics
were administered. He proceeded to develop autonomic instability and
critical illness polyneuropathy requiring 45 days of ICU care. He was
finally discharged eight months later. The farmer has gradually improved
and is now living unaided at home. In this article we will review this case
and the literature on tetanus.
Correspondence: Albert Páll Sigurðsson, alberts<Slandspitali.is
Key words: Tetanus, case report.
'Department of Neurology, Landspitaii University Hospital lceland, 2Department of Infectious Diseases, Landspitali University Hospital lceland.
siðareglur EFPIA og Frumtaka
Frumtök, samtök frumlyfjaframleiðenda á íslandi, hafa gefið
út nýjustu samskipta- og siðareglur EFPIA — Evrópusamtaka
frumlyfjaframleiðenda. Útgáfan samanstendur af tveimur
bæklingum, annarsvegar reglur um samskipti lyfjafyrirtækja
og sjúklingasamtaka og hinsvegar reglur um samskipti við
fagfólk í heilbrigöisstétt og kynningu lyfseðilsskyldra lyfja.
Reglurnar má nálgast
á heimasíðu Frumtaka,
! Reglur EFPIA
j um samskipti uiðfagfólk
j í heilbrigðisstétt og
Ttýmingu lyfseðilsskyldra iyfja
214 LÆKNAblaðið 2012/98