

Læknablaðið - 15.04.2012, Blaðsíða 30

Læknablaðið - 15.04.2012, Blaðsíða 30
Y F I R L I T Heimildir 1. Strom BL, editor. Pharmacoepidemiology. Third ed. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester 2000. 2. Yang Y, West-Strum D, editors. Understanding Pharma- coepidemiology. McGraw-Hill, New York 2011. 3. Hennekens CH, Buring JE. Epidemiology in medicine. Little Brown and Company, Boston/Toronto 1987. 4. Arrebola-Pascual I, Garcia-Lopez JA. Presence of pharma- coepidemiology in three bibliographic databases: Medline, IPA and SCI. Pharmacoepidem Dr S 2002; 11: 499-502. 5. Heman MA. With great data comes great responsibility: publishing comparative effectiveness research in epi- demiology. Epidemiology 2011; 22:290-1. 6. Hennessy S. Use of health care databases in pharmacoepi- demiology. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol 2006; 98: 311-3. 7. Öryggisstefna landlæknis. landlaeknir.is - ágúst 2011. 8. Ábyrgðaraðilar gagnasafna. Munnlegar heimildir. 9. Smith AJ, Tett SE. How do different age groups use benzo- diazepines and antidepressants? Analysis of an Australian administrative database, 2003-6. Drugs Aging 2009; 26: 113-22. 10. Gudbjornsson B, Thorsteinsson SB, Sigvaldason H, Einars- dottir R, Johannsson M, Zoega H, et al. Rofecoxib, but not celecoxib, increases the risk of thromboembolic cardiovas- cular events in young adults-a nationwide registry-based study. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 2010; 66: 619-25. 11. Landlæknisembættið. landlaeknir.is/ - ágúst 2011. 12. Krabbameinsskrá íslands. krabbameinsskra.is - ágúst 2011. 13. Fæðingaskrá. landspitali.is/gagnasafn?branch=4810.5075 ágúst 2011. 14. Hjartavemd. hjarta.is/ - ágúst 2011. 15. Lyfjastofnun. lyfjastofnun.is/ -ágúst2011. 16. Hagstofa íslands. hagstofa.is/ - ágúst 2011. 17. Slysaskrá Vinnueftirlitsins. slysatolfraedi.ver.is/um.aspx - ágúst 2011. 18. Corrao G, Botteri E, Bagnardi V, Zambon A, Carobbio A, Falcone C, et al. Generating signals of drug-adverse effects from prescription databases and application to the risk of arrhythmia associated with antibacterials. Pharmacoepidem Dr S 2005; 14: 31-40. 19. Brinker A, Beitz J. Use of a spontaneous adverse drug events database for identification of unanticipated drug benefits. Clin Pharmacol Ther 2002; 71:99-102. 20. Brandt-Christensen M, Kvist K, Nilsson FM, Andersen PK, Kessing LV. Treatment with antidepressants and lithium is associated with increased risk of treatment with antiparkinson dmgs: a pharmacoepidemiological study. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2006; 77: 781-3. 21. Delaney JA, Opatmy L, Brophy JM, Suissa S. Confounding in database pharmacoepidemiology studies. Epidemiology 2008; 19:360-1. 22. Vísindasiðanefnd. visindasidanefnd.is/ - ágúst 2011. 23. Persónuvemd. personuvemd.is/ - ágúst 2011. ENGLISH SUMMARY Research in pharmacoepidemiology in lceland Johannsson M, Haraldsdottir S Pharmacoepidemiology is a rapidly growing discipline that is useful in studies on effects and adverse effects of drugs. During past years and decades databases have been built in lceland that are becoming powerful tools for this kind of research. The databases are, however only useful for pharmacoepidemiological research if they include personal identification and can be merged. The personal identification should be without time limits because in many cases we are interested in what happened years or decades ago. The prescriptions database was started in 2002 and has dramatically changed the possibilities for pharmacoepidemiological studies in lceland. The main aim of this review is to give an overview of the existing databases in lceland and to encourage research in this important field. Key words: pharmacoepidemiology, research, databases, drugs. Correspondence. Magnús Jóhannsson, magjoh@hi.is ’Department of Pharmacology and Toxicotogy, University of lceland, 2Directorate of Health Styrkir til rannsókna vegna eyrnasuðs (tinnitus) Liljusjóðurinn, rannsóknar- og styrktarsjóður Lilju Guðrúnar Hannesdóttur Tilgangur sjóðsins er að styrkja rannsóknir á eyrnasuði. Tilgangur rannsókna skal vera sá að afla allrar vitneskju sem hægt er til að komast að ástæðum þess að fólk þjáist af eyrnasuði. Umsóknarfrestur er til 23. apríl 2012. Úthlutað verður úr sjóðnum á afmælisdegi Lilju Guðrúnar, 24. maí. Umsóknareyðublöð má nálgast á heimasíðu sjóðsins liljusjodurinn.is eða hjá undirrituðum. Hannes Petersen, dósent - hpet@landspitali.is Ingibjörg Hinriksdóttir - ingibjorg@hti.is 222 LÆKNAblaðið 2012/98
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