Orð og tunga - 01.06.2005, Blaðsíða 50
48 Orð og tunga
3, and the interplay between the two provides a good opening for a
combination of "passive" and "active" functions.
II.A.3. The requirements presented here seem to be reasonable, but
for Icelandic it could be argued that when thinking about pronuncia-
tion, Icelandic is so regular as not to need phonetic transcription in
a dictionary (it could be interesting to hear the teachers' of Icelandic
as a foreign language reactions to this), and it is clear that Iðunn 1989
has also failed in terms of providing information on usage, such as
slang, etc. The division into "slangur", "óformlegt", and "gróft" to-
gether with the notations "??"and "!?"3 in the two-volume Icelandic
dictionary from 2002 (whereas the previous edition had only two cat-
egories, "vont mál..." and "slangur eða óstaðfest nýyrði"4) seems ap-
pealling in theory, but I have not yet encountered any discussion as to
whether or not it is functional.
Il.A.4. "Principles of monolingual lexicography for the L2 can be
adopted". This too is simply the opposite of what we saw before in
the list of requirements for the so-called "active" dictionaries (II.B.4.
in diagram 2 above).
II.B.l. "Undifferentiated lining up of equivalents"; this describes
the situation in which a series of equivalents is presented without the
individual components being divided up into numbered sections with
semantic discriminators.
II.B.2."Omission of transparent idiosyncratic phrases" covers the
situation in which the meaning of the phrases can be worked out on
the basis of their component parts.
II.B.3. "Inclusion of non-transparent morpho-syntactic informa-
tion" simply means the inclusion of sufficient information alongside
the lemmata (headwords) to make them fully identifiable. Iðunn 1989
clearly meets the positive requirement (B.3).
2.3 Theory: wider perspectives
Leaving apart the fact that the vocabulary requirements are poten-
tially vastly different - one (the "Ll/active") rather small, the other
3íslensk orðabók-3: xiii: "framandorð sem vafi leikur á hvort talist getur íslenskt,
sletta" and "orð eða málatriði sem ekki nýtur fullrar viðurkenningar, telst ekki gott
mál í venjulegu samhengi".
4íslensk orðabók-2: xiv.