Orð og tunga - 26.04.2018, Side 114
Margrét Jónsdóttir: Orðið kýrskýr. Merking og myndun 103
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history of the Icelandic language, word formation, expressive compounds, prefixoid
The Icelandic adjective, kýrskýr, (kýr ‘cow’, skýr ‘clear, sharp, intelligent’) merits att en-
tion for a number of reasons. According to sources, the oldest writt en examples are
from the latt er part of the 20th century. However, the word could be older. This article
undertakes the task of writing the history of this adjective, considering its meaning
and formation. The following issues are dealt with:
a. Normally, the adjective kýrskýr has the meaning ‘(very) clear, sharp, intelligent’,
referring to persons or matt ers. Furthermore, examples show that the adjective is
most commonly used in the construction e-ð er kýrskýrt ‘sth is (very) clear’.
b. The adjective kýrskýr is also known in the meaning of ‘stupid’, referring to per-
sons only. As a matt er of fact, this seems to be the older meaning.
c. The formation of kýrskýr is not clear and it could be argued that there is a rela-
tionship between the word formation and the meaning of the word. In the sense of
tunga_20.indb 103 12.4.2018 11:50:47