Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 2017, Síða 94

Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 2017, Síða 94
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World Health Organization (2009). Quality Assessment Guidebook: A Guide to Assessing Health Services for Adolescent Clients. Sótt á http://apps.who. int/iris/bitstream /10665/44240/1/9789241598859 _eng.pdf. World Health Organization (2010). Youth-Friendly Health Policies and Services in the European Region. Sótt á http://www.euro.who.int/__data/assets/pdf_ file/0017/123128 /E94322.pdf. Zhou, H., Roberts, P., Dhaliwal, S., og Della, P. (2016). Transitioning adoles- cent and young adults with chronic disease and/or disabilities from pae- diatric to adult care sevices: An intergrative review. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25, 3113–3130. kristín lilja svansdóttir o.fl. 94 tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga • 3. tbl. 93. árg. 2017 Aim: Professional procedures are important in the transition of young adults with chronic illnesses from paediatric to adult health services. The procedures increases the prospects of the young adults making sufficient use of adult health services. Inadequate use of services can negatively impact people’s health, quality of life and future prospects. This transition generally does not follow pro- fessional procedures, and it is important to prepare the young adults for it. The aim was to study the experience of young adults with chronic illnesses during the transition from paediatric to adult health services at Landspitali, The National University Hospital of Iceland. Method: A qualitative method, based on the Vancouver School of doing phenomenology was used. Purposeful sampling was used to choose participants. Participants were eleven young adults with chronic illnesses, aged 20–26 years. Nine participant were inter- viewed once and two participant were interviewed twice. Results: The young adults experienced themselves as teenagers at the age of 18 years and the lack of preparedness made them feel unready for the transition from paediatric to adult health services. With more experience they felt that they had matured and adjusted to new circumstances. We concluded from the interviews that pro- fessional procedures were generally not practiced when moving young adults from paediatric to adult health services at Landspitali. The young adults experienced the transition as an event that had neither been prepared for nor had a follow up. All participants made suggestions about what could be done to improve the tran- sition process. Conclusion: Young people with chronic illnesses experience the transition from paediatric to adult health services as difficult if they are not well-prepared. The results suggest that health care profes- sionals at Landspitali need to rethink and coordinate their standard operating procedures, and that nurses are in a key position when it comes to promoting improvements in the field. Keywords: Chronic illness, experience, transition, young adults Correspondent: kristsva@lsh.is English Summary Svansdottir, K.L., Sigurdardottir, A.K., Konradsdottir, E. The Icelandic Journal of Nursing (2017), 93 (2) 86–94 The transition experience of young adults with chronic illnesses at The National University Hospital of Iceland
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