Heilbrigðisskýrslur - 01.12.1957, Blaðsíða 178
176 —
1. Acute Tonsillitis ...............
2. Acute Respiratory Catarrh........
3. Diphtheria ......................
4. Dysentery (Paradysentery)........
5. Epidemic Encephalitis............
6. Puerperal Sepsis ................
7. Acute Rheumatism.................
8. Enteric Fever....................
9. Acute Intestinal Catarrh.........
10. Influenza.......................
11. Epidemic Cerebrospinal Meningitis
12. Measles.........................
13. Infective Myositis..............
14. Mumps ..........................
15. Bronchopneumonia ...............
16. Lobar Pneumonia.................
17. Acute Poliomyelitis ............
18. German Measles .................
19. Scarlet Fever...................
20. Epidemic Stomatitis.............
21. Whooping Cough..................
22. Chickenpox......................
23. Erysipelas......................
24. Erythema nodosum................
25. Infectious Hepatitis............
26. Herpes Zoster ..................
27. Contagious Impetigo.............
28. Paratyphoid ....................
1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 • &
9183 8466 10065 10425 8313 6
22828 27438 25008 21929 16738 22
1 - - - 1
6 4 26 1 2
11 16 20 9 4 3
6 4 4 2 6 1
31 45 52 31 26 1
5008 4414 4831 3983 4293 22
10920 2342 11044 11934 18386 113
5 12 9 76 22 7
396 6573 1214 7 12 8
155 100 214 143 967 -
12 434 5977 176 25 2
1720 2650 1488 1099 800 00 Tj» eo
188 231 188 128 87
7 11 833 320 - 4
38 2453 1442 353 73 -
32 39 66 158 154 -
570 500 357 373 458 -
1162 2076 321 58 7 2
1061 1201 873 525 1254 1
14 28 13 22 23 -
2 - - 1 2 -
15 9 6 7 7 1
69 82 73 71 62 -
39 46 65 51 41 -
2 42 11 ~
The Asian Influenza traversed the
country in September—December,
reaching its peak in October. Doctors
on the whole did not find it more
severe than former epidemics of in-
fluenza, but it was very contagious
and tlie number of deaths was the
fourtli highest since the epidemic of
1918. It is to be noted, however, that
the number of deaths from pneumonia
was the lowest ever recorded and by
far lower than in the previous year.
It miglit be suspected therefore that
the deaths of some old people really
dying from noninfluenzal pneumonia
have been ascribed to influenza. With
exception of influenza communicable
diseases were of no great consequence
during the year.
5. Venereal Diseases. Notified cases
in the years 1953—1957 are as follows
(cf. tables V, VI and VII, 1—3):
1953 1954 1955 1956 1957
Gonorrhoea 272 476 442 283 187
Syphilis 8 7 11 22 5
Soft Chancre 4 „ 4 „ 7
6. Tuberculosis (all forms). Patients
registered by the medical officers at
the end of each year (cf. tables V, VI,
VIII, IX and XI):
1953 1954 1955 1956 l9a7
Pulmonary 836 752 736 669 614
Non-pulmonary 162 130 88 88 10-
Total Number of „
Notified Cases 998 882 824 757 743
Deaths 14 10 4 13 7
Deaths from tuberculosis this year
are easily classified (last year’s fi-
gures in round brackets): Pulmonarj
tuberculosis 7 (10), tuberculosis o
central nervous system 0 (1). tuber-
culosis of intestines 0 (1). tubercu-
losis of the urinary and generative
organs 0 (1).