

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2021, Side 55

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2021, Side 55
Tímarit Hins íslenska náttúrufræðifélags 55 Ritrýnd grein / Peer reviewed Jón Einar Jónsson (f. 1975) lauk BS-prófi í líffræði við Háskóla Íslands 1997, MS-prófi í líffræði frá HÍ 2000 og doktorsprófi í dýravistfræði frá Louisiana State Uni- versity 2005. Hann hefur starfað að fuglarannsóknum við Rannsóknasetur HÍ á Snæfellsnesi síðan 2007 og jafnframt kennt fuglafræði og dýrafræði við HÍ og Land- búnaðarháskóla Íslands. UM HÖFUNDA PÓST- OG NETFANG HÖFUNDAR / AUTHOR'S ADDRESS Jón Einar Jónsson Rannsóknasetri Háskóla Íslands á Snæfellsnesi Hafnargötu 3 IS 340 Stykkishólmi joneinar@hi.is 6. Matvælastofnun 2010. Starfsskýrsla 2010. Matvælastofnun, Reykjavík. 111 bls. Slóð: https://www.mast.is/static/files/library/Sk%C3%BDrslur/starfsskyrsla MAST2010vef.pdf 7. Friend, M. 1999. Avian cholera. Bls. 75–92 í: Field manual of wildlife diseases: General field procedures and diseases of birds (ritstj. Friend, M. & Franson, J.C. ). U.S. Department of the Interior og U.S. Geological Survey. Biological Reso- urces Division. Information and Technology Report 1999-0001. Slóð: https:// pubs.usgs.gov/itr/1999/field_manual_of_wildlife_diseases.pdf 8. Samuel, M.D., Shadduck, D.J., Goldberg, D.R. & Johnson, W.P. 2005. Avian cholera in waterfowl: The role of Lesser snow and Ross’s geese as disease carri- ers in the Playa Lakes region. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41. 48–57. 9. Samuel, M.D., Botzler, R.G. & Wobeser, G.A. 2007. Avian cholera. Bls. 239–269 í: Infectious diseases of wild birds (ritstj. Thomas, N.J., Hunter, D.B & Atkinson, C.T.). Blackwell, Ames (Iowa, Br.). 10. Wille, M., McBurney, S., Robertson, G.J., Wilhelm, S.I., Blehert, D.S., Soos, C., Dunphy, R. & Whitney, H. 2016. A pelagic outbreak of avian cholera in North American gulls: Scavenging as a primary mechanism for transmission? Journal Wildlife Diseases 52. 793–802. 11. Pedersen, K., Dietz, H.H., Jørgensen, J.C., Christensen, T.K. & Andersen, T.H. 2003. Pasteurella multocida from outbreaks of avian cholera in wild and captive birds in Denmark. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 39. 808–816. 12. Wobeser, G.A. 1992. Avian cholera and waterfowl biology. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 28. 674–682. 13. Thomas, N.J., Hunter, D.B. & Atkinson, C.T. (ritstj.) 2007. Infectious diseases of wild birds. Blackwell, Ames (Iowa, Br.). 484 bls. 14. Tyson-Pello, S.J. & Olsen, G.H. 2020. Emerging diseases of avian wildlife. Veter- inary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice 23. 383–395. 15. Iverson, S.A., Gilchrist, H.G., Soos, C., Buttler, I.I., Harms, N.J. & Forbes, M.R. 2016. Injecting epidemiology into population viability analysis: Avian cholera transmission dynamics at an arctic seabird colony. Journal of Animal Ecology 85. 1481–1490. 16. Christensen, T.K., Bregnballe, T., Andersen, T.H. & Dietz, H.H. 1997. Outbreak of Pasteurellosis among wintering and breeding common eiders Somateria mollissima in Denmark. Wildlife Biology 3. 125–128. 17. Samuel, M.D., Shadduck, D.J. & Goldberg, D.R. 2005. Avian cholera exposure and carriers in Greater white-fronted geese breeding in Alaska, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41. 498–502. 18. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 2019. Waterfowl population status, 2019. U.S. Department of the Interior,Washington. 78 bls. Slóð: https://www.fws.gov/ migratorybirds/pdf/surveys-and-data/Population-status/Waterfowl/Water- fowlPopulationStatusReport19.pdf 19. Samuel, M.D., Shadduck, D.J. & Goldberg, D.R. 2004. Are wetlands the reservoir for avian cholera? Journal of Wildlife Diseases 40. 377–382. 20. Blanchong, J.A., Samuel, M.D., Goldberg, D.R., Shadduck, D.J. & Lehr M.A. 2006. Persistence of Pasteurella multocia in wetlands following avian cholera outbreaks. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 42. 33–39. 21. Li, K., DiLegge, M.J., Minas, I.S., Hamm, A., Manter, D. & Vivanco, J.M. 2019. Soil sterilization leads to re-colonization of a healthier rhizosphere microbiome. Rhizosphere 12. 100176. 22. Blanchong, J.A., Samuel, M.D., Goldberg, D.R., Shadduck, D.J. & Creekmore, L.H. 2006. Wetland environmental conditions associated with the risk of avian cholera outbreaks and the abundance of Pasteurella multocida. Journal of Wild- life Management 70. 54–60. 23. Lehr, M.A., Botzler, R.G., Samuel, M.D. & Shadduck, D.J. 2005. Associations between water quality, Pasteurella multocida, and avian cholera at Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 41. 291–297. 24. Gershman, M., Witter, J.F., Spencer, H.E. & Kalvaitis, A. 1964. Epizootic of fowl cholera in the common eider duck. Journal of Wildlife Management 28. 587–589. 25. Korschgen, C.E., Gibbs, H.C. & Mendall, H.L. 1978. Avian cholera in eider ducks in Maine. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 14. 254–258. 26. Tjørnløv, R.S., Humaidan, J. & Frederiksen, M. 2013. Impacts of avian cholera on survival of common eiders Somateria mollissima in a Danish colony. Bird Study 60. 321–326. 27. Österblom, H., van der Jeugd, H. & Olsson, O. 2004. Adult survival and avian cholera in Common Guillemots Uria aalge in the Baltic Sea. Ibis 146. 531–534. 28. Descamps, S., Bêty, J., Love, O.P. & Gilchrist, H.G. 2011. Individual optimization of reproduction in a long-lived migratory bird: A test of the condition-dependent model of laying date and clutch size. Functional Ecology 25. 671–681. 29. Descamps, S., Forbes, M.R., Gilchrist, H.G., Love, O.P. & Bêty, J. 2011. Avian cholera, post-hatching survival and selection on hatch characteristics in a long- lived bird, the common eider Somateria mollisima. Journal of Avian Biology 42. 39–48. 30. Descamps, S., Gilchrist, H.G., Bêty, J., Butler, I. & Forbes, M.R. 2009. Costs of reproduction in a long-lived bird: Large clutch size is associated with low sur- vival in the presence of a highly virulent disease. Biology Letters 5. 278–281. 31. Descamps, S., Jenouvrier, S., Gilchrist, H.G. & Forbes, M.R. 2012. Avian cholera, a threat to the viability of an arctic seabird colony? PloS ONE 7. e29659 32. Legagneux, P., Berzins, L.L., Forbes, M.R., Harms, N.J., Hennin, H.L., Bourgeon, S., Gilchrist, G.H., Bêty, J., Soos, C., Love, O.P., Foster, J.T., Descamps, S. & Burness, G. 2014. No selection on immunological markers in response to a highly virulent pathogen in an arctic breeding bird. Evolutionary Applications 7. 765–773. 33. Bodenstein, B., Beckmen, K., Sheffield, G., Kuletz, K., Van Hemert, C., Berlowski, B. & Shearn-Bochsler, V. 2015. Avian cholera causes marine bird mortality in the Bering Sea of Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 51. 934–937. 34. Swennen, C. & Smit, T. 1991. Pasteurellosis among breeding eiders Somateria mollissima in the Netherlands. Wildfowl 42. 94–97. 35. Öst, M., Lehikoinen, A., Jaatinen, K. & Kilpi, M. 2011. Causes and consequences of fine-scale breeding dispersal in a female-philopatric species. Oecologia 166. 327–336. 36. Tjørnløv, R.S. 2020. Population dynamics of a declining flyway population of Common Eiders Somateria mollissima. PhD-ritgerð við Institut for Bioscience, Árósaháskóla. 109 bls. 37. Hanssen, S.A., Hasselquist, D., Folstad, I. & Erikstad, K.E. 2005. Cost of reprod- uction in a long-lived bird: Incubation effort reduces immune function and fut- ure reproduction. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 272. 1039–1046. 38. Hanssen, S.A., Folstad, I. & Erikstad, K.E. 2003. Reduced immunocompetence and cost of reproduction in common eiders. Oecologia 136. 457–464. 39. Waltho, C. & Coulson, J. 2015. The Common Eider. Poyser, London. 352 bls. 40. Þórður Örn Kristjánsson. 2016. Breeding ecology of the common eider (Soma- teria mollissima) in Breiðafjörður, West Iceland. Doktorsritgerð við Líf- og um- hverfisvísindadeild Háskóla Íslands. 106 bls. 41. Jón Einar Jónsson & Smári J. Lúðvíksson 2013. A choice between two adjacent islands: Is switching nest sites related to weather or nest density in the Common Eider (Somateria mollissima)? Ornis Fennica 90. 73–85. 42. van Dijk, J.G.B., Iverson, S.A., Gilchrist, H.G., Harms, N.J., Hennin, H.L., Love, O.P., Buttler, E.I., Lesceu, S., Foster, J.T., Forbes, M.R. & Soos, C. 2021. Herd immunity drives the epidemic fadeout of avian cholera in Arctic-nesting sea- birds. Scientific Reports 11. 1046. 43. Botzler, R.G. 1991. Epizootiology of avian cholera in wildfowl. Journal of Wild- life Diseases 27. 367–395. 44. Buttler, E.I., Gilchrist, H.G., Descamps, S., Forbes, M.R. & Soos, C. 2011. Hand- ling stress of female common eiders during avian cholera outbreaks. Journal of Wildlife Management 75. 283–288. 45. Mosbech, A., Bjerrum, M., Johansen, K. & Sonne, C. 2009. Satellite tracking of common eider Bls. 91 í: Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations, 14th annual report, 2008 (ritstj. Jensen, L.M. & Rasch, M.). DCE – Nationalt center for miljø og energi / National Environmental Research Institute, Árósaháskóla. 116 bls. 46. Hanssen, S.A., Gabrielsen, G.W., Bustnes, J.O., Bråthen, V.S., Skottene, E., Fenstad, A.A., Strøm, H., Bakken, V., Phillips, R.A. & Moe, B. 2016. Migration strateg- ies of common eiders from Svalbard: Implications for bilateral conservation management. Polar Biology 39. 2179–2188. 47. Kristinn Haukur Skarphéðinsson, Borgný Katrínardóttir, Guðmundur A. Guð- mundsson og Svenja N.V. Auhage 2016. Mikilvæg fuglasvæði á Íslandi. Nátt- úrufræðistofnun Íslands (Fjölrit 55), Garðabæ. 295 bls. 48. Henri, D., Jean-Gagnon, F. & Gilchrist, H.G. 2018. Using Inuit traditional ecological knowledge for detecting and monitoring avian cholera among common eiders in the eastern Canadian Arctic. Ecology & Society 23. 22 49. Jónas Jónsson 2001 (ritstj.). Æðarfugl og æðarrækt. Skrudda, Reykjavík. 528 bls.



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