Íslenska þjóðfélagið - 16.12.2022, Side 64

Íslenska þjóðfélagið - 16.12.2022, Side 64
Breytingar á verkaskiptingu á heimili meðal starfandi feðra og mæðra í fyrstu bylgju COVID-19 64 .. vinnu og umönnunarábyrgðar versnaði sérstaklega meðal mæðra sem unnu fjarvinnu heima og er það í samræmi við erlendar rannsóknir. LYKILORÐ: COVID-19 – samþætting launavinnu og umönnunarábyrgð- ar – umönnun – heimilisstörf – fjarvinna ABSTRACT: COVID-19 brought with it extensive changes in people’s lives. The pandemic disrupted employment and home life, with the clo- sure of workplaces, increased remote work, and reduced services of care givers. At the initiative of Utrecht University, a multinational study enti- tled “Gender (In) equality in Times of COVID-19” was launched. Data were collected via a questionnaire on the effect of the pandemic on the status of parents in paid work, division of household work, care, and the reconciliation between paid work and care. The survey was conducted in Iceland by Gallup after restrictions on gatherings were lifted following the first wave in May 2020. This article examines the impact of the pandemic on gendered division of working parents with spouses regarding care and housework and reconciliation between paid work and care. In the light of previous research, the impact of the pandemic on these factors is examined depending on where work was performed, whether work was performed remotely from home or in the workplace. The main results show small gender difference in changes in where work was performed (working re- motely or at the workplace). Large, gendered differences were, on the oth- er hand, found in care work and housework, both before and after the pan- demic. In accordance with recent international research on COVID-19, results suggest that with regards to housework parents became more equal after the pandemic: Fathers who worked from home, but their spouses at the workplace, increased their share of domestic work, while mothers who worked at the workplace, but their spouses worked from home, reduced their share of domestic responsibilities. Similar changes in the division of care between parents were not found. Reconciliation between paid work and care deteriorated with the pandemic, more so among parents of young children and parents who worked at home. Regression analysis shows that reconciliation of paid work and care deteriorated especially among moth- ers who worked remotely from home. This is in accordance with interna- tional research. KEYWORDS: COVID-19 – reconciliation between paid work and care – care work – domestic work – remote work Inngangur COVID-19 faraldurinn raskaði atvinnu- og heimilislífi með sóttvarnartakmörkunum sem leiddu til lokunar vinnustaða, aukinnar fjarvinnu og takmarkana á leik- og grunnskólastarfi og lokana fram- halds- og háskóla. Í þessari grein er spurt hvaða áhrif þessar breytingar höfðu á staðsetningu launaðr- ar vinnu, skiptingu umönnunar og heimilisstarfa og samþættingu launavinnu og umönnunar meðal starfandi sambúðarforeldra. Að frumkvæði Utrecht-háskólans var hrint úr vör fjölþjóðlegri rannsókn sem ber heitið „Gender (In)equality in Times of COVID-19“. Gagna var aflað með spurningakönnun þar sem spurt var um margvíslega þætti er vörðuðu breytingar á högum foreldra vegna farsóttarinnar í vinnu og heima, ágreining í parasamböndum, skiptingu heimilisstarfa og launavinnu, heimilisstörf og umönnun
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