Læknaneminn - 01.04.2016, Page 50

Læknaneminn - 01.04.2016, Page 50
Ri trý nt e fn i 50 Nágrannalöndin hafa þegar tekið þessa aðferð upp á stærri sjúkrahúsum, en þessi meðferð er því miður ekki tiltæk hér á landi enn. Þessi meðferð er gagnlegust þegar myndrannsóknir (e. perfusion scan) sýna að enn er stórt lífvænlegt svæði til staðar, sem getur lifnað við þegar blóðflæði er komið aftur á13. Best er að gera æðaþræðingu sem fyrst en jafnvel sex klukkustundum eftir atburð getur sjúklingur enn haft gagn af inngripinu13. Samantekt Lýst er sjúkrasögu 17 ára drengs sem fékk illkynja heiladrep í hægri miðslagæð heilans. Hann fékk vinstri helftarlömun, gaumstol, taltruflun og skerðingu á meðvitund. Fjarlægður var hluti af höfuðkúpu til að létta á innankúpuþrýstingi og gaf það góða reynd. Nú tæpu ári eftir atburðinn hefur hann endurheimt mikla færni á hreyfingu vinstri hliðar, tjáir sig eðlilega og er andlega óskertur þó hann eigi við vandamál með einbeitingu. Þá er fjallað stuttlega um tilurð illkynja heiladreps og meðferð þess. Fengið var upplýst, skriflegt samþykki sjúklings og birting tilkynnt Persónuvernd. Heimildir: 1. Heiss WD. Malignant MCA infarction: Pathophysiology and imaging for early diagnosis and management decisions. Cerebrovascular Diseases 2016; 41(1-2). 2. Liang D, Bhatta S, Gerzanich V, Simard M. Cytotoxic edema: mechanisms of pathological cell swelling. Neurosurgical Focus 2007; 22(5). 3. Hacke W, Schwab S, Horn M, Spranger M, De Georgia M, von Kummer R. ‘Malignant’ middle cerebral artery territory infarction: clinical course and prognostic signs. Archives of Neurology 1996; 53: 309–15. 4. Hatefi D, Hirshman B, Leys D, Lejeune JP, Marshall L, Carter BS, Kasper E, Chen CC. Hemicraniectomy in the management of malignant middle cerebral artery infarction: Lessons from randomised, controlled trials. Surgical Neurology International 2014; 15:5. 5. Vahedi K1, Vicaut E, Mateo J, Kurtz A, Orabi M, Guichard JP, Boutron C, Couvreur G, Rouanet F, Touzé E, Guillon B, Carpentier A, Yelnik A, George B, Payen D, Bousser MG; DECIMAL investigators. Sequential- design, multicenter, randomized, controlled trial of early decompressive craniectomy in malignant middle cerebral artery infarction (DECIMAL Trial). Stroke 2007; 38(9) 2506-17. 6. Jüttler E1, Schwab S, Schmiedek P, Unterberg A, Hennerici M, Woitzik J, Witte S, Jenetzky E, Hacke W; DESTINY Study Group. Decompressive surgery for the treatment of malignant infarction of the middle cerebral artery (DESTINY): A randomized, controlled trial. Stroke 2007; 38(9) 2518-25 7. Back L, Nagaraja V, Kapur A, Eslick GD. Role of decompressive hemicraniectomy in extensive middle cerebral artery strokes: a meta- analysis of randomised trials. Internal Medicine Journal 2015; 45(7). 8. Cruz-Flores S, Berge E, Whittle I. Surgical decompression for cerebral oedema in acute ischaemic stroke. Cochrane Database Systematic Review 2012; 18:1. 9. Schmidt H, Heinemann T, Elster J, Djukic M, Harscher S, Neubieser K, Prange H, Kastrup A, Rohde V. Cognition after malignant media infarction and decompressive hemicraniectomy – a retrospective observational study. BMC Neurology 2011; 11:77. 10. Jauch EC, Saver J L, Chair V, Adams HP, Bruno A, Connors J, Demaerschalk BM, Khatri P, McMullan PW, Qureshi AI, Rosenfeld K, Scott PA, Summers DR, Zang DZ, Wintermark M, Yonas H. AHA/ ASA Guideline Guidelines for the Early Management of Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke A Guideline for Healthcare Professionals From the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association. American Heart Association Stroke Council. http://doi.org/10.1161/ STR.0b013e318284056a/-/DC1 11. Campbell BC, Mitchell PJ, Kleinig TJ, Dewey HM, Churilov L, Yassi N, Yan B, Dowling RJ, Parsons MW, Oxley TJ, et. al.; EXTEND-IA Investigators. Endovascular Therapy for Ischemic Stroke with Perfusion- Imaging Selection. New England Journal of Medicine 2015; 372(11) 1009-18. 12. Goyal M, Demchuk AM, Menon BK, Eesa M, Rempel JL, Thornton J, Roy D, Jovin TG, Willinsky RA, Sapkota BL, Dowlatshahi D, Frei DF, Kamal NR, et. al. ESCAPE trial investigators. Randomized Assessment of Rapid Endovascular Treatment of Ischemic Stroke. New England Journal of Medicine 2015; 372(11) 1019-30. 13. Lansberg MG1, Straka M, Kemp S, Mlynash M, Wechsler LR, Jovin TG, Wilder MJ, Lutsep HL, Czartoski TJ, Bernstein RA, Chang CW, Warach S, Fazekas F, Inoue M, Tipirneni A, Hamilton SA, Zaharchuk G, Marks MP, Bammer R, Albers GW; DEFUSE 2 study investigators. MRI profile and response to endovascular reperfusion after stroke (DEFUSE 2): a prospective cohort study. Lancet Neurology 2012; 11(10) 860-7. Mynd 5. Slembiraðaðar rannsóknir á gildi hemicraniectomiu fyrir lifun sjúklinga með illkynja heiladrep miðslagæðar. Á x­ás er nafn rannsókna og á y­ás er hlutfall lifandi sjúklinga á rannsóknartíma. Heimfært eftir Hatefi et al. Slembiraðaðar skurðrannsóknir
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