Læknaneminn - 01.04.2016, Page 144

Læknaneminn - 01.04.2016, Page 144
Fr óð le ik ur Ra nn só kn ar ve rk ef ni 3 . á rs n em a 144 Landspítala og Læknasetursins. Notast var við Kaplan­Meier aðferð með log­rank­prófi til að bera saman hópa og Cox­aðhvarfsgreining til að meta lifun græðlinga og sjúklinga, og línulega aðhvarfsgreiningu til að meta tengsl gaukulsíunarhraða (rGSH) hjá þegum 6­12 mánuðum eftir ígræðslu við aðra þætti . Niðurstöður: Alls voru 149 nýru grædd í 146 sjúklinga á rannsóknartímabilinu (miðgildi aldurs 44 ár (3­76), 58,3% karlar). Endurígræðslur voru 21 talsins. Á Landspítala voru gerðar 79 ígræðslur en 70 aðgerðir fóru fram erlendis, þar af 18 nýru úr lifandi gjöfum. Því fékk 65% sjúklinga nýra frá lifandi gjafa. Miðgildi (spönn) aldurs við ígræðslu var 45 (3­76) ár hjá þegum nýrna úr lifandi gjöfum en 50 (9­69) ár þegar um látna gjafa var að ræða. Af sjúklingum sem fengu nýra frá látnum gjafa höfðu 96% gengist undir skilunarmeðferð fyrir ígræðslu á móti 69% þega nýrna úr lifandi gjöfum. Kaldur blóðþurrðartími nýrna frá látnum gjöfum var 20,5 (5­34) klst.. HLA­samræmi var marktækt betra þegar um lifandi gjafa var að ræða en 69% voru með ≥3 HLA­sameindir sameiginlegar á móti 36,5% í tilviki látinna gjafa. Af lifandi gjöfunum voru 79,4% líffræðilega skyldir þeganum. Alls létust 11 (7,4%) sjúklingar á tímabilinu, þar af 10 með starfandi græðling. Ef afklippt (e. censored) er við dauða með starfandi græðling töpuðust 11 græðlingar á tímabilinu, þar af 6 (54,5%) vegna langvinnrar græðlingsbilunar. Eins árs lifun græðlinga, reyndist vera 98% (95% öryggismörk (95%ÖM) 95,7­ 100), fimm ára lifun 95,5% (95%ÖM 92­99,1) og tíu ára lifun 88,1% (95%ÖM 80,4­96,5). Ekki fannst marktækur munur á lifun nýraþega né lifun græðlinga með hliðsjón af tegund gjafa né þegar ígræðslur á Landspítala voru bornar saman við aðrar stofnanir. Þegar stakir þættir voru skoðaðir í Cox­ aðhvarfsgreiningu jók hækkandi aldur gjafa hættu á græðlingstapi (Hættuhlutfall (HH) 1,076 (95%ÖM 1,014­1,143)) og hærri r­GSH 6­12 mánuðum eftir ígræðslu virtist minnka hættuna á græðlingstapi (HH 0,949 (95%ÖM 0,910­0,992)). Fjölþáttagreining sýndi að engir aðrir þættir en þessir tengdust græðlings lifun. Fjölþátta línuleg aðhvarfsgreining sýndi m.a. að sjálfstæð tengsl voru milli rGSH hjá þegum 6­12 mánuðum eftir ígræðslu og aldurs gjafa (β=­0,56, p=0.002), aldurs þega (β=­0,31, p=0,01) og rGSH gjafa eftir aðgerð (β=0,44, p=0,0065). Ályktun: Hlutfall nýrna frá lifandi gjöfum meðal íslenskra nýraþega er hátt samanborið við aðrar þjóðir. Lifun græðlinga og nýraþega virðist ekki síðri en gerist á sjúkrahúsum þar sem aðgerðir eru tíðari. Þó smæð þýðisins og góð lifun takmarki greiningu áhættuþátta benda niðurstöður til þess að m.a. aldur gjafa og GSH þega á fyrsta árinu eftir ígræðsluaðgerðina gætu haft áhrif lifun græðlinga. Genetics of coarctation of the aorta in Iceland Þorsteinn Björnsson1, Hilma Hólm2,3, Tómas Guðbjartsson1,3, Hróðmar Helgason3, Daníel F. Guðbjartsson2,4, Unnur Þorsteinsdottir1,2, Kári Stefansson1,2 1Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, 2deCODE genetics, 3Landspitali University Hospital, 4School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Iceland Introduction: Coarctation of the aorta (CoA) accounts for 3.8% of all congenital heart disease in Iceland. Despite excellent surgical outcomes, CoA can be a life­long disease with high rates of long­ term cardiovascular complications. The underlying genetic basis and pathogenesis of CoA remains largely unknown. The objective of this study was to search for sequence variants that affect the risk of developing CoA in Iceland. Methods: The CoA cases were Icelanders (N=132) who received the discharge diagnosis of CoA at Landspitali University Hospital (LUH) in Reykjavik between 1984 and 2015. Detailed phenotypic information on CoA cases was gathered through a centralized electronic database on patient’s records (Saga system) as well as paper records at LUH. To identify sequence variants that associate with CoA risk, genome­wide association analysis (GWAS) was performed using 31.6 million sequence variants identified through whole­genome sequencing of 8,453 Icelanders that were subsequently imputed into 390,000 Icelanders. The GWAS was performed with the 132 CoA cases and as controls 240,000 Icelanders without CoA using logistic regression, adjusting for gender, age and county. Results: Through the CoA GWAS analysis we identified a rare (0.35%) missense variant c.2161C>T in exon 18 of the MYH6 gene that associates with increased risk of CoA. MYH6 is a large gene that encodes the alpha myosin heavy chain (αMHC), a major component of the sarcomere of cardiac muscle. The c.2161C>T mutation associates with CoA with large effect, an OR of 31.4 (SD; 14.08, 69.83) and with high significance, P of 3.3 x 10­17. The c.2161C>T results in the change of arginine to tryptophan at amino acid 721 (p.Arg721Trp) in the converter domain of the αMHC protein. This same mutation has previously been reported to associate with sick sinus syndrome. Of the 132 CoA cases, 24 were carriers of c.2161C>T; no significant phenotypic difference was found between CoA carriers and non­ carriers of c.2161C>T. This may in part be explained by the small size of the study. The MYH6 c.2161C>T was not found outside of Iceland. Discussion: The MYH6 gene has not previously been reported to associate with CoA although other very rare mutations in MYH6 have been linked to both familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and familial atrial septal defect. The c.2161C>T mutation explains a large fraction or 19% of CoA cases in Iceland, a figure rarely reported in genetic studies of congenital heart disease. Expression of MYH6 has not been detected in the aorta but it is highly expressed throughout life in the atrium and in the ventricle during embryonic cardiogenesis. The p.Arg721Trp mutation in the converter domain of αMHC is predicted to be damaging and might thus affect the contractile function of αMHC in the heart. It is conceivable that p.Arg721Trp predisposes to CoA by reducing the contraction of the developing heart thus reducing blood flow through the aorta which is in line with the hemodynamic theory, a leading model of CoA pathogenesis. This hypothesis is compatible with the fact that MYH6 is not expressed in the aorta.
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