Ritmennt - 01.01.2000, Qupperneq 133

Ritmennt - 01.01.2000, Qupperneq 133
RITMENNT HVERSU MIKIÐ ER NONNULLA? Heimildaskrá A. Óprentaðar heimildir Bodleian Libiary, Oxford: MS Bor. 66 British Library: Add. 11,198 4to Landsbókasafn íslands - Háskólabókasafn: Lbs 1026 4to Lbs 1651 4to JS 30 4to JS 345 4to JS 569 4to Stofnun Árna Magnússonar: AM 192 a 4to Rask 57 B. Prentaðar heimildir Bogi Benediktsson. Sýslumannaæfir. 1. b. Reykjavík 1881-84. Guðmundur Andrésson. Deilurit. Jakob Benediktsson bjó til prentunar. Kaupmannahöfn 1948. (íslenzlt rit síðari alda, 2.) Guðmundur Andrésson. Lexicon Islandicum ... Havniæ 1683. Guðmundur Andrésson. Persíus rímur eftir Guðmund Andrésson og Bellerofontis rímur. Jakob Llenedikts- son bjó til prentunar. Reykjavík 1949. (Rit Rímna- félagsins, 2.) Hálfdan Einarsson. Historia literaria Islandiæ. Havniæ et Lipsiæ 1786. Hálfdan Einarsson. Sciagraphia historiæ literariæ Is- landicæ. Havniæ 1777. Jón Helgason: Bækur og handrit á tveimur liúnvetnsk- um höfuðbólum á 18du öld. Landsbókasafn ís- lands. Árbók. Nýr flokkur 9 (1983). Reykjavík 1985, bls. 5-46. Jón Helgason. Meistari Hálfdan. Reykjavík [1935]. Jón Ólafsson: Um þá lærðu Vídalína. Vísnakver Páls lögmanns Vídalíns. Kaupmannahöfn 1897. Bls. xv-cxxii. Páll Vídalín. Recensus poetarum et scriptorum Island- orum hujus et superioris seculi. 1. b., texti. Jón Samsonarson bjó til prentunar. Reykjavík 1985. (Stofnun Árna Magnússonar á íslandi. Rit, 29.) Páll Vídalín. Skýríngar yfir Fornyrði Lögbókar þeirrar, er Jónsbók kallast. Reykjavík 1854. Páll Vídalín. Vísnakver Páls lögmanns Vídalíns (1667-1727). Jón Þorkelsson sá um prentun á því. Kaupmannahöfn 1897. Sigurður Pétursson: Jonas Widalinus Tlrorkilli Filius: Calliopes Respublica. Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Hafniensis. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies, Copenhagen 12 August to 17 August 1991. Gener- al editor Rhoda Schnur. Binghamton, N. Y., 1994. (Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 120.) Bls. 807-15. Springborg, Peter: Nætter pá Island. Latin og National- sprog i Norden efter Reformationen. Konference 1.-5. august 1987, Biskops-Arnö. Redaktion Mari- anne Alenius et al. Kobenhavn 1991. Bls. 156-71. Þórður Sveinbjarnarson. Æfisaga Páls lögmanns Jóns- sonar Vídalíns. Reykjavík 1846. Summary The article opens with a clarification of the title: How much is "nonnulla"? In the preface to liis Latin History of lcelandic literature, Sciagraphia historíæ literaríæ Islandicæ (Copenhagen 1777), Hálfdan Einarsson (1732-85) says that he owes "not nothing" (nonnulla in Latin) to a hiogra- phical register of Icelandic poets and writers of the 16th and 17th centuries by Páll Vídalín (1667-1727), another worlc written in Latin around the year 1700 under the title Recensus poetarum et scriptorum Islandorum huius et superioris seculi. The original manuscript of the latter text seems lost, but an excerpt is extant in the hand of Einarsson lrimself (JS 569 4to) along witli a loose Icelandic translation that exists in two versions (MS Bor. 66 and JS 30 4to) by Rev. Þorsteinn Pétursson of Staðarbakld (1710-85). These two texts, the excerpt and tlie translation, were edited by Jón Samsonarson and published by the Arnamagnæan Institute (Reykjavík 1985). Tlie article studies how Einarsson presents Vídalín on tlie pages of liis literary history, and how much material lie uses from tlie other's biographical register. Tlie general purpose is to investigate and explain more fully than has been done previously the precise relationsliip and, by comparison, the distinct qualities of these two 129
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