Ritmennt - 01.01.2000, Qupperneq 144
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Upphaf kvæðisins The Dream
í Lbs 2208 4to.
The Dream32
To Sir Thomas Maryon Wilson Bart. By Laurus Sigurdson (Son of
a peasant from the western quarter of Iceland born in the year
The black-brow'd night her starry road began;
The radiant sun sunk in the lap of main;
The ev'ning shades the earthly globe enrol'd,
And with their breathing gales all creatures cool'd;—
In nights black sheets the weary nature dress'd,
Her harass'd body casted down to rest:
The starry vault beheld with twinkling light,
All cares and sorrows lull'd by gentle night;
In balmy slumber every mortal slept,
But I was wandering o'er the plain and wept: 10
The heroic age rose up before my thought
When Ingolf33 Liberty from Norway brought.
(That whip'd34 away from all the Continent,
To England's hills by Providence was sent,
There has the goddess haughty temple built,
And earth with glory of her35 darlings fill'd:)
When he escap'd from Harald's36 dreadful hand
His country's strength transported to our land.—
I wander'd thither where he first did plant
His freedoms banners, wearing heav'nly grant; 20
Their root is eaten by the tooth of time
But yet their lilies shine in ancient rhyme:
Hard by the town, methought I saw them still,
With fainting colours wave in37 Eagle's hill;38—
When I was come upon this renown'd high,
32 Aö mestu leyti hef ég reynt að endurgera textann eins og hann birtist í hand-
ritinu hvað snertir stafsetningu, upphafsstafi og greinarmerki. Umtalsverðar
breytingar eru nefndar í neðanmálsgreinum.
33 Ingólfur Arnarson.
34 Wiped.
35 í handritinu stendur „hers".
36 Haraldur hárfagri.
37 „on" væri augljóslega eðlilegra mál.
38 Arnarhóll, merktur á kort af Reylcjavík frá því snemma á átjándu öld (Klem-
ens Jónsson, Saga Reykjavíkur I, bls. 71, 160).