

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1997, Síða 77

Læknablaðið - 15.09.1997, Síða 77
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 613 Nordic Pfizer Forum in lceland September 25th - 27th 1997 Friday September 26th 1997 08:00-08:15 08:15-08:30 08:30-09:15 09:15-10:00 10:00-10:45 10:45-11:15 11:15-12:00 12:00-12:45 12:45-14:15 14:15-15:00 15:00-15:45 15:45-16:15 Welcome (Sales manager, Erik V. Petersen) Welcome Chairman Dr. Katrín Fjeldsted, MD, General Practitioner, Fossvogur Health Center, lceland A Review of the Clinical Diagnosis of Dementia Dr. Wenche Frogn Sellæg, MD, Geriatrician, Norway Novel Treatment Strategies in Alzheimer’s Disease Prof. Leif Gjerstad, MD, Neurologist, Norway Depression and Cardiac lllnes Dr. Peter Wáhrborg, MD, Cardiologist, Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhu- set, Göteborg, Sweden Coffee Break Lower Respiratory Tract Infections Dr. Magnús Ólafsson, MD, Akureyri Health Center, lceland Diseases of the Oral Mucosa Dr. Morten Schiödt, Chief Surgeon, DDS, dr. Odont, Copenhagen Coun- ty University Hospital Glostrup, Denmark Lunch Managing Hyperlipidemia to Improve Clinical Outcome Guðmundur Þorgeirsson, Cardiologist. Associate Professor of Phar- macology, Landspítalinn, National University Hospital, Reykjavík, lceland lcelandic Nature and Volcanic Hazards Ari Trausti Guðmundsson, Geophysicist, lceland Close Saturday September 27th 1997 08:30-09:45 Pre-menstrual Syndrome (Denmark) Dr. Mogens Unden, MD, Psychiatrist, Fredriksberg 09:15-10:00 BPH (Norway) 10:00-10:30 Close Ráðstefnan er ætluð heimilis- og heilsugæslulæknum frá Norðurlöndum. Þátttaka tilkynnist til Pharmaco í síma 565 8111 fyrir 15. september.
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