

Læknablaðið - 15.04.1999, Qupperneq 12

Læknablaðið - 15.04.1999, Qupperneq 12
292 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1999; 85 Hlustarbólga eftir sundnámskeið Gísli Baldursson', Gunnar H. Gíslason’, Hannes Petersen2 Baldursson G, Gíslason GH, Petersen H External otitis in school children after an inten- sive swimming course Læknablaðið 1999; 85: 292-5 Objective: This study reports an outbrake of exter- nal otitis in boarding school children after they had participated in an intensive swimming course. The infective agent isolated was P. aeruginosa. The ques- tion is raised whether the outbrake was caused by water contaminated by bacteria or intensive bathing. Matcrial and methods: Twenty-seven children from a rural boarding school, aged 10 to 14 years partici- pated in an obligatory swimming course for two weeks. As the outbrake became evident all the child- ren were examined by two doctors with an otomicro- scope. Bacterial culture was taken from the external acoustic meatus (EAM) on both sides and a tympa- nogram was performed on all. Subjective evaluation of symptoms was achieved by using a questionnaire. Eight weeks after the swimming course ended all participants were investigated again with an ear microscope and control bacterial culture was taken from the EAM for appreciation of the outcome. Results: Seventeen (63%) of the 27 children had symptoms of external otitis on the first visit. Micro- scopic investigation of those infected revealed seven (41.2%) children with mild, four (23.5%) with mode- rate and six (35.3%) with severe inflammation of the EAM. Of those children affected 12 (70.6%) had in- fection in both ears. P. aeruginosa was isolated from 11 (64.7%)_of those affected and from two of those who had no symptoms. The mean onset of symptoms Frá 'Heilsugæslustöðinni á Egilsstöðum, "háls-, nef- og eyrnadeild Sjúkrahúss Reykjavíkur. Fyrirspurnir, bréfa- skipti: Hannes Petersen háls-, nef- og eyrnadeild Sjúkra- húss Reykjavíkur, Fossvogi, 108 Reykjavík. Sími: 525 1370. Bréfsími: 525 1383. Netfang: hpet@shr.is Lykilorð: hlustarbólga, sundlaug, Pseudomonas aerugin- osa. was 2.1 days (standard error 0.5) after the swimming course had ended. The mean time for symptom relief was 11.4 days (standard error 2.2). Conclusions: Intensive swimming courses in pools where the quality of the water is checked sporadically is not advised. If intensive swimming courses are necessary the concentration of chlorine should be carefully monitored as well as checked for growth of both Cloriform bacteria and P. aeruginosa. Keywords: otitis externa, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, swimming pool. Ágrip Tilgangur: Tilgangur rannsóknarinnar var að lýsa faraldri hlustarbólgutilfella sem stafaði af P. aeruginosa í kjölfar sundnámskeiðs í heimavistarskóla. Efniviður og aðferðir: Tuttugu og sjö börn á aldrinum 10-14 ára, nemendur í heimavistar- skóla á Austurlandi tóku þátt í sundnámskeiði sem stóð í tvær vikur. Börnin fóru í sund fjór- um sinnum á dag (mánudag-föstudag) á tveggja vikna tímabili. Þegar ljóst varð að til- fellum hlustarbólgu fór fjölgandi meðal þeirra voru öll börnin skoðuð af tveimur læknum með eymarsmásjá, einnig var gerð hljóðhols- (þrýst- ings) mæling á miðeyrum. Bakteríuræktanir voru teknar úr hlust báðum megin. Niðurstöður: Alls fengu 17 (63%) af börn- unum einkenni hlustarbólgu meðan á sund- námskeiðinu stóð eða strax á eftir. Skoðun með eyrnasmásjá sýndi að sjö þeirra höfðu væg bólgueinkenni, fjögur millistigs en sex höfðu miklar bólgubreytingar í hlustargangi. Tólf (70,6%) þessara barna höfðu bólgubreytingar báðum megin. P. aeruginosa ræktaðist frá 11 (64,7%) þeirra sem höfðu einkenni en tveimur sem höfðu engin einkenni. Einkenni byrjuðu að meðaltali 2,1 degi (staðalskekkja 0,5) eftir að
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