

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2012, Blaðsíða 124

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2012, Blaðsíða 124
Náttúrufræðingurinn 124 Þakkir Við þökkum Anette T. Meier og Þórdísi Högnadóttur fyrir hjálp við gerð mynda og tveimur yfirlesurum handritsins ýmsar gagnlegar ábendingar. Heimildir 1. Magnús T. Guðmundsson 2005. Subglacial volcanic activity in Iceland. Bls. 127–151 í: Iceland: Modern processes, past environments (ritstj. Caseldine, C., Russel, A., Jórunn Harðardóttir & Óskar Knudsen). Else- vier, Amsterdam. 2. Sveinn P. Jakobsson & Magnús T. Guðmundsson 2008. Subglacial and intraglacial volcanic formations in Iceland. Jökull 58. 179–196. 3. Smellie, J.L. 2007. Quaternary volcanism: subglacial landforms. Bls. 784– 798 í: Encyclopedia of Quaternary Sciences (ritstj. Elias, S.A.). Elsevier, Amsterdam. 4. Hickson, C.J. 2000. Physical controls and resulting morphological forms of Quaternary ice-contact volcanoes in western Canada. Geomorphology 32. 239–261. 5. Þorvaldur Thoroddsen 1900. Móbergið á Íslandi. Eimreiðin 6. 161–169. 6. Þorvaldur Thoroddsen 1906. Island. Grundriss der Geographie und Geologie. Petermanns Mitteilungen, Ergänzungshefte 152 und 153. 358 bls. 7. Helgi Pjeturss 1900. The glacial palagonite formation of Iceland. Scottish Geographical Magazine 16. 265–293. 8. Helgi Pjeturss 1902. Fortsatte Bidrag til Kundskab om Islands glaciale Palagonit-Formation. Den Geologiska Föreningens i Stockholm För- handlingar 215. 357–369. 9. Helgi Pjeturss 1904. Om nogle glaciale og interglaciale Vulkaner paa Island. Oversigt over de Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Forhandlinger 1904 (4). 217–267. 10. Peacock, M.A. 1926. The petrology of Iceland. Part 1. The basic tuffs. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 55 (1). 51–76. 11. Peacock, M.A. 1926. The volcano-glacial palagonite formation of Iceland. Geological Magazine 63. 385–399. 12. Noe-Nygaard, A. 1940. Sub-glacial volcanic activity in ancient and recent times. Studies in the palagonite-system of Iceland No. 1. Folia Geo- graphica Danica 1(2). 67 bls. 13. Noe-Nygaard, A. 1951. Materials from the eruption in Grímsvötn, Vatna- jökull, in 1934. Folia Geographica Danica 1 (4). 20 bls. 14. Guðmundur Kjartansson 1943. Jarðsaga. Árnesingasaga, I. Náttúrulýs- ing Árnessýslu. Árnesingafélagið, Reykjavík. Bls. 46–250. 15. Guðmundur Kjartansson 1959. The móberg formation. Bls. 139–141 í: On the Geology and Geomorphology of Iceland (ritstj. Sigurður Þórar- insson, Þorleifur Einarsson & Guðmundur Kjartansson). Geografiska Annaler 41. 16. Guðmundur Kjartansson 1961. Móbergsmyndunin. Bls. 31–46 í: Náttúra Íslands, 1. útgáfa (ritstj. Vilhjálmur Þ. Gísalson). Almenna bóka- félagið, Reykjavík. 17. Oetting, W. 1930. Neue Forschungen im Gebiet zwischen Hofsjökull und Langjökull auf Island. Deutsche Islandsforschung 1930. 50–72. 18. Jakob H. Líndal 1964. Með huga og hamri. Jarðfræðidagbækur og rit- gerðir. Sigurður Þórarinsson bjó til prentunar. Bókaútgáfa Menningar- sjóðs, Reykjavík. 410 bls. 19. Mathews, W.H. 1947. “Tuyas”: Flat-topped volcanoes in northern British Columbia. American Journal of Science 245. 560–570. 20. Bemmelen, R.W. & Rutten, M.G. 1955. Tablemountains of Northern Ice- land. E.J. Brill, Leiden. 217 bls. 21. Þorleifur Einarsson 1960. Geologie von Hellisheidi (Südwest-Island). Sonderveröffentlichungen des Geologichsen Instituts der Universität zu Köln 5. 55 bls. 22. Þorleifur Einarsson 1960. Þættir úr jarðfræði Hellisheiðar. Náttúrufræð- ingurinn 30. 151–175. 23. Guðmundur E. Sigvaldason 1968. Structure and products of subaquatic volcanoes in Iceland. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 18. 1–16. 24. Jones, J.G. 1969. Intraglacial volcanoes of the Laugarvatn region, south- west Iceland, I. Quaternary Journal of the Geology Society of London 124. 197–211. 25. Jones, J.G. 1970. Intraglacial volcanoes of the Laugarvatn region, south- west Iceland, II. Journal of Geology 78. 127–140. 26. Smellie, J.L. & Skilling, I.P. 1994. Products of subglacial volcanic erup- tions under different ice thicknesses: two examples from Antarctica. Sedimentary Geology 91. 115–129. 27. Werner, R. & Schmincke, H-U. 1999. Englacial vs lacustrine origin of volcanic table mountains: evidence from Iceland. Bulletin of Volcanology 60. 335–354. 28. Herdís Schopka, Magnús T. Guðmundsson & Tuffen, H. 2006. The for- mation of Helgafell, southwest Iceland, a monogenetic subglacial hyalo- clastite ridge: Sedimentology, hydrology and volcano-ice interaction. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 152. 359–377. 29. McGarvie, D.W., Stevenson, J.A., Burgess, R., Tuffen, H. & Tindle, A.G. 2007. Volcano-ice interactions at Prestahnúkur, Iceland: rhyolite eruption during the last interglacial-glacial transition. Annals of Glaciology 45. 38–47. 30. Bennett, M.R., Huddart, D. & Gonzalez, S. 2009. Glaciovolcanic landsys- tems and large-scale glaciotectonic deformation along the Brekknafjöll– Jarlhettur, Iceland. Quaternary Science Reviews 28. 647–676. 31. Smellie, J.L. 2008. Basaltic subglacial sheet-like sequences: evidence for two types with different implications for the inferred thickness of associ- ated ice. Earth-Science Reviews 88. 60–88. 32. Skilling, I.P. 2009. Subglacial to emergent basaltic volcanism at Hlöðu- fell, south-west Iceland: A history of ice-confinement. Journal of Vol- canology and Geothermal Research 185. 276–289. 33. Þorleifur Einarsson 1999. Myndun og mótun lands. Mál og menning, Reykjavík. 299 bls. 34. Fisher, R.V. & Schmincke, H-U. 1984. Pyroclastic rocks. Springer Verlag, Berlin. 472 bls. 35. Haukur Jóhannesson & Kristján Sæmundsson 1998. Jarðfræðikort af Íslandi. 1:500.000. Náttúrufræðistofnun Íslands, Reykjavík, 2. útgáfa. 36. Furnes, H., Ingvar B. Friðleifsson & Atkins, F.B. 1980. Subglacial volcan- ics: on the formation of acid hyaloclastites. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 8. 95–110. 37. Tuffen, H., Gilbert, J. & McGarvie, D. 2001. Products of an effusive sub- glacial rhyolite eruption: Bláhnúkur, Torfajökull, Iceland. Bulletin of Volcanology 63. 179–190. 38. Tuffen, H., McGarvie, D.W., Gilbert, J.S. & Pinkerton, H. 2002. Physical volcanology of a subglacial-to-emergent rhyolitic tuya at Rauðufossafjöll, Torfajökull, Iceland. Bls. 213–236 í: Ice-Volcano Interaction on Earth and Mars (ritstj. Smellie, J.L. & Chapman, M.). Geological Society, Special Publication 202. 39. McGarvie, D.W. 2009. Rhyolitic volcano-ice interactions in Iceland. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 185. 367–389. 40. Beasley, F.K. 2002. The structure and genesis of a typical Icelandic tuya, Efstadalsfjall, south-west Iceland. Univ. of St. Andrews, B.Sc. Hon. Essay (óbirt). 93 bls. 41. Elsa G. Vilmundardóttir, Snorri P. Snorrason & Guðrún Larsen 2000. Geological map of subglacial volcanic area southwest of Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland, 1:50.000. Orkustofnun og Landsvirkjun, Reykjavík. 42. Snorri P. Snorrason & Elsa G. Vilmundardóttir 2000. Pillow lava sheets: origins and flow patterns. Bls. 45 í: Volcano/Ice Interaction on Earth and Mars. Abstract Volume (ritstj. Gulick, V.C. & Magnús T. Guðmundsson). Ráðstefna 13.–15. ágúst, Háskóli Íslands, Reykjavík. 43. Ingvar B. Friðleifsson, Furnes, H. & Atkins, F.B. 1982. Subglacial vol- canics. On the control of magma chemistry on pillow dimensions. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 13. 103–117. 44. Jones, J.G. 1968. Pillow lava and pahoehoe. Journal of Geology 76. 485–488. 45. Sveinn P. Jakobsson 1978. Environmental factors controlling the palago- nitization of the Surtsey tephra, Iceland. Bulletin of the Geological Soci- ety of Danmark, Special Issue 27. 91–105. 46. Wohletz, K.H. 1983. Mechanisms of hydrovolcanic pyroclast formation: grain size, scanning electron microscopy, and experimental studies. Jour- nal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 17. 31–63. 47. Zimanowski, B. 1998. Phreatomagmatic explosions. Bls. 25–54 í: From magma to tephra (ritstj. Freundt, A. & Rosi, M.). Elsevier, Amsterdam. 48. Zimanowski, B. & Büttner, R. 2003. Phreatomagmatic explosions in sub- aqueous eruptions. Bls. 51–60 í: Explosive subaqueous volcanism (ritstj. White, J.D.L., Smellie, J.L. & Clague, D.). Geophysical monograph 140. American Geophysical Union, Washington. 49. Magnús T. Guðmundsson, Freysteinn Sigmundsson, Helgi Björnsson & Þórdís Högnadóttir 2004. The 1996 eruption at Gjálp, Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland: efficiency of heat transfer, ice deformation and subglacial water pressure. Bulletin of Volcanology 66. 46–65. 50. Sveinn P. Jakobsson & Moore, J.G. 1982. The Surtsey drilling project of 1979. Surtsey Research Progress Report 9. 76–93. 51. Sigurður Þórarinsson, Þorleifur Einarsson, Guðmundur E. Sigvaldason & Gunnlaugur Elísson 1964. The submarine eruption off the Vestmann Islands 1963–64. Bulletin of Volcanology 27. 435–445. eruption) provides an indication of the thickness of the glaciers during their formation. These water levels provide some constraints on the thickness of the glacier at the time of formation and in- dicate that the tuyas were formed within a glacier that was less than 1 km thick and therefore considerably smaller than e.g. the ice sheet covering Iceland at the time of the last glacial maximum. This may be explained by the scarcity or absence of tuya producing eruptions at the time of the last glacial maximum. This is consistent with models of the ef- fects of loading and unloading of vax- ing and vaning ice sheets on decom- pressional melting in the mantle underneath Iceland.
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