
Jökull - 01.12.1984, Page 117

Jökull - 01.12.1984, Page 117
the hypothesis that hydrothermal circulation must be severely curtailed during periods of glaciation because of a limited ground water recharge. He suggests that the rock/water heat transfer processes supplying the low-temperature thermal activity in Iceland today are not a steady state phenomenon, but of a transient nature, dating back to the end of the last glaciation about 10,000 years ago. His calculations for various transient heat transfer models lead to a recharge area which is an order of magnitude smaller than the above value. ACKN OWLEDGEMENTS This work was financed by the Geothermal Division of the National Energy Authority. We wish to express our thanks to Kristján Saemundsson and Ólafur G. Flóvenz for reading and improving an early version ofthe manuscript. REFERENCES Árnason, B. 1976: Groundwater systems in Ice- land traced by deuterium. Soc. Sci. Islandica, Rit 42, 236 pp. Arnórsson, S., E. Gunnlaugsson and H. Svavars- son 1983: The chemistry of geothermal water in Iceland. II. Mineral equilibria and indepen- dent variables controlling water compositions. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 47: 547-566. Bödvarsson, G. 1982: Glaciation and geothermal processes in Iceland. Jökull 32: 21-28. Einarsson, P.t F. W. Klein and S. Björnsson 1977: The Borgarfjördur earthquakes of 1974 in West Iceland. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 67: 187-208. Einarsson, T. 1937: Uber eine Beziehung zwis- chen heissen Quellen und Gangen in der is- landischen Basaltformation. Soc. Sci. Island- ica, Greinar 1.2: 135-145. Einarsson, T. 1942: Uber das Wesen der heissen Quellen Islands. Soc. Sci. Islandica, Rit 26, 91 pp. Flores, R. M. 1981: Geological mapping in geo- thermal exploration with special reference to tephrochronology and paleomagnetic techni- ques. UNU Geothermal Training Prog- ramme, Report 1981-4, 78 pp. Flovenz, Ó. G. 1980: Túlkun viðnámsmælinga. Proceedings of a conference on Geothermal exploration held by the Geological Society of Iceland (in Icelandic): 51-53. Flóvenz, Ó. G. and L. S. Georgsson 1982: Pro- specting for vertical aquifers in low tempera- ture geothermal areas in Iceland. Geoth. Res. Council, Transactions 6: 19-22. Flóvenz, Ó. G. and L. S. Georgsson 1983: Resistivity structure of the upper crust in Ice- land. IUGG 18th General Assembly in Ham- burg, 1983, abstracts I: 148. Franzson, H. 1978: Structure and petrochemistry of the Hafnarfjall-Skardsheidi central volcano and the surrounding basalt succession, W-Ice- land. Ph. D. thesis, University ofEdinburgh, 264 pp. Georgsson, L. S., H. Jóhannesson, G. I. Haraldsson and E. Gunnlaugsson 1978: Jarð- hitakönnun í utanverðum Reykholtsdal. Report in Icelandic, National Energy Author- ity, OSJHD7856, 89 pp. Georgsson, L. S., H. Jóhannesson and E. Gunn- laugsson 1981a: The Baer thermal area in western Iceland: Exploration and exploita- tion. Geoth. Res. Council, Transactions 5: 511-514. Georgsson, L. S., H. Jóhannesson, E. Gunn- laugsson, M. Kjartansdóttir, H. Sigvaldason, Th. Thorsteinsson and G. I. Haraldsson 1981b: Bær í Bæjarsveit, jarðhitarannsóknir og boranir. Report in Icelandic, National Energy Authority, OS81014/JHD09, 156 pp. Gunnlaugsson, E. 1980: Borgarfjörður, efna- fræði jarðhitavatns. Report in Icelandic, National Energy Authority, OS80020/JHD11, 61 pp. Gudmundsson, J. S. and G. Pálmason 1981: World survey of low-temperature geothermal energy utilization. Report in English, Natio- nal Energy Authority, OS81005/JHD02, 148 pp. Jóhannesson, H. 1975: Structure and petrochem- istry of the Reykjadalur central volcano and the surrounding areas, midwest Iceland. Ph.D. thesis, University of Durham, 273 pp. Jóhannesson, H. 1980: Jarðlagaskipan og þróun gosbelta á Vesturlandi (in Icelandic with Engl- ish summary). Náttúrufræðingurinn 50: 13-31. Jóhannesson, H., L. S. Georgsson and E. Gunnlaugsson 1980: Jarðhiti í Borgarfirði. Proceedings of a conference on Geotherma! exploration held by the Geological Society of Iceland (in Icelandic): 14-16. Jóhannesson, H., G. I. Haraldsson, L. S. Georgsson and E. Gunnlaugsson 1979: Jarð- JÖKULL 34. ÁR 115
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