

Jökull - 01.12.1985, Blaðsíða 163

Jökull - 01.12.1985, Blaðsíða 163
Jökull Instructions to Authors Scope of the journal Jökull publishes research papers, notes and review articles about all aspects of Earth Sciences. The joumal aims to be an international forum for geoscience research in Iceland. The specialization of the journal is geographical rather than with regard to discipline. Specific areas of coverage include glaciology, glacial geology, physical geography, general geology, petrology, volcanology, geothermal research, geophysics, meteorology, hydrology and oceanography. Submission of manuscripts Three complete copies of text and figures should be submitted, one containing the original illustrations in a form ready for reproduction; the other two may be of lower quality. Languages Accepted languages are English, French and German. All articles must include an abstract in English. Notes do not require an abstract. Papers in Icelandic cover topics of interest for the members of the Societies. Manuscripts Manuscripts must be clearly typed, double spaced, with an ample left margin and on one side of the sheet only. Each sheet must be paginated. Figure captions, legends, tables, illustrations and the reference list should be on separate sheets. Footnotes are undesirable. Words to be printed in italics should be underlined. Instructions to the editor should be made on a separate sheet, not in the margin. A complete manuscript for normal article consists of the following items: (1) Title (brief but informative). (2) Author’s namé, place, institute or laboratory. (3) Abstract in English (not exceeding 300 words). (4) Main text with sub-headings (Introduction, Methods, Techniques, Materials studied, Area description, Results, Discussion etc.). (5) Conclusion. (6) Acknowledgements, if a"ny. (7) References. (8) Figure captions. (9) Tables. (10) Illustrations. Formulae, symbols and numerical data Formulae and algebraic symbols should be typewritten or written by hand with utmost care. If there are several formulae, they should be numbered (1), (2), (3), etc. Formulae can be referred to in the text by numbers within brackets. Give the meaning of all symbols. Algebraic symbols for physical quantities should follow the recommendations of the Commission for Symbols, Units and Nomenclature of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics. The International System of Units, denoted SI, should be uscd throughout for numerical data. Reference system In text refer to the author’s name and year of publication followed, if necessary, by a short reference to appropriate pages. Examples: Thorarinsson et al. (1973). Amason (1976, p. 77, fig. 20). The reference list should be arranged unnumbered in alphabetical order according to the following system: Journal: Bodvarsson, G. 1955: On the flow of ice-sheets and glaciers. Jökull 5: 1—8. Thorarinsson, S., K. Saemundsson and R. S. Williams, Jr. 1973: ERTS-1 image of Vatnajökull. Analysis of glaciological structure and volcanic features. Jökull 23: 7—17. Edited symposium: Palmason, G. 1967: On heat flow in Iceland in relation to the Mid- Atlantic ridge. In: S. Björnsson (Ed.). Iceland and Mid-Ocean Ridges. Soc. Sci. Islandica, Rit 38: 111 — 127. Walker, G. P. L. 1974: Eruptive mechanisms in Iceland. In: L. Kristjánsson (Ed.). Geodynamics of Iceland and the North Atlantic Area. D. Reidel, Dordrecht, pp. 189—201. Monograph, book, thesis: Amason, B. 1976: Groundwater systems in Iceland traced by deuterium. Soc. Sci. Islandica, Rit 42. 236 pp. Lamb, H. H. 1977: Climate. Present, past and future. v. 2. Climatic history and the future. Methuen, London. 835 pp. Personal communication: Thorbjöm Sigurgeirsson (personal communication, 1978). Do not abbreviate yourself the titles of periodicals mentioned in the list of references, alternatively use the International List of Periodical Title Word Abbreviations (ISO 833-1974) or the ISDS Register. Tables Tables should be as simple as possible and large tables should be avoided. They should be numbered Table 1, Table 2 etc. and each table should have a brief and self-explanatory title. Illustrations All illustrations must be ready for reproduction. The final scale should usually be adjusted either to the width of a single column (68 mm) or the maximum width of the printing area of the page (140 mm). Breadths between these mentioned are also accepted. For widths larger than 68 mm and smaller than 110 mm, the figure text will normally be placed at the side of the figure. Photographs should be submitted as glossy prints. A suitable size is about 1.2—1.5 times the final printing size. Line drawings must be drawn with black ink on paper or plastic foil. Suitable scale of originals is about 1.5—2 times the final printing size. Consider this reduction when deciding the size of numbers, letters, symbols and line thicknesses. Numbersand letters should not be less than 1 mm in the printing scale. In printing, lines cannot be finer than 0.1 mm, and the distance between lines not less than 0.2 mm. Fold-outs can only.be accepted in exceptional cases. All illustrations should be identified lightly with a pencil on the back with the name of the author and the figure number. Reprints Authors receive 25 reprints free of charge. Additional reprints may be ordered when galley proofs are returned to the editor.
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