Orð og tunga - 01.06.2005, Side 47

Orð og tunga - 01.06.2005, Side 47
Christopher Sanders: Bilingual Dictionaries oflcelandic 45 bilingual dictionaries have special methods of marking an explana- tion of something that has no true equivalent in the target language2 - Icelandic skýr would be an obvious example - and this is a practice that it would be worth adopting in the future. II.A.5. "Provide the necessary grammatical information for text production in the L2." This is, according to the requirements of this list, surely one of the two most significant failures of Iðunn 1989. Should it perhaps have verb forms and variant spellings for the Eng- lish equivalents for use by beginners in English? I will return to this issue below (section 4). The Russian-born Scerba was probably the first person to draw up a list of the type we see in diagram 2; he saw the Ll-» L2 dictionary as being principally a learner's dictionary and it has been argued that he was often misunderstood. Other useful lists of desiderata for this type of dictionary have been drawn up by subsequent scholars of lexi- cography; these I have listed as "Kromann et al." based principally on Kromann 1990 and Kromann et al. 1991. Here we find: II.B.l. "A fundamental need for semantic discriminators"; each numbered sense of a multi-sense word in Iðunn 1989 is indeed sup- plied with a determinator or semantic discriminator in Icelandic in brackets, e.g.fær adj.: fær adj (f fær) 1. (duglegur) able, tal- ented, competent vera ~ í e-u be good at sth vera ~ um e-ð be capa- ble of sth það er ekki öllum ~t not everybody can do it ~ f flestan sjó able to deal with almost anything 2. (farandi) passable vegurinn er ~ the road is passable honum eru allir vegir ~ir he can do anything he wants Diagram 3 Then, in diagram 2, we have in section II.B.2. what Kromann calls "Necessary inclusion of non-transparent collocations and idioms": apart from relatively free collocations and fixed phrases, this category includes prepositional usages; what is meant by "non-transparent" here is that an awareness of how a combination of words works in one of the languages will not necessarily enable successful production 2Dansk-Engelsk Ordbog-4 uses square brackets for this purpose.
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