Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 2023, Blaðsíða 84

Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga - 2023, Blaðsíða 84
“The guilt of performing poorly in both places“. Nursing managers’ experience of return to work after maternity leave The study aimed to deepen understanding and increase knowledge of nursing managers’ experience of return to work after maternity leave. About 98% of nurses in Iceland are women and a large proportion of them are at the childbearing age. The research question was “What are nursing managers’ experiences of re-entry after maternity leave?“. Qualitative research based on the Vancouver School of phenomenology was used in this study. Two individual interviews were conducted with 10 female nursing managers who had been on maternity leave in the years 2018–2021. Factors that seem to counteract the tension between work and family life are professional support, fewer working hours, flexible working hours, and the option to work temporarily at home. The results strongly suggest that the support of supervisors can have a decisive effect on the intention and ability of nursing managers to return to the same job after maternity leave. It is crucial to systematically meet nursing managers need for support after maternity leave in order to reduce turnover. Aim Results ENGLISH SUMMARY Method Nurse administrators, return to work, maternity leave, organizational support, work-life balance. Correspondent: alma@solvangur.is Conclusion Keywords Vignisdottir, A. R., Karlsdottir, S. I., Gunnarsdottir, S. “The guilt of performing poorly in both places“ is the main finding and describes self-criticism as well as the tension that many of the managers felt between work and family life. There were four main themes: Reflective maternity leave, which described the cognitive processes and the connection with the workplace during maternity leave; Restoring the role, which described the experience of stepping back into a changed work environment and going through the stress that came with securing and relying on childcare; Difficulties of re-entry, which described the stress of understaffing and unrealistic demands; Successful re-entry, which described personal qualities of the managers as well as aspects in the working environment that proved to be supportive. The need for support varied between individuals and depended on the work environment, family circumstances, management experience, and personal qualities. Positive attitude from colleagues, supervisors’ support, the ability to set boundaries, intrinsic motivation, and work experience contributed to a successful return. “The guilt of performing poorly in both places“. Nursing managers' experience of return to work after maternity leave
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Tímarit hjúkrunarfræðinga

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