Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 01.01.1982, Page 160
If Paul’s Fair be fair and clear,
We shall have a happy year;
But if it be both wind and rain,
Dear will be all kinds of grain.
If the winds do blow aloft,
Then wars will trouble this realm full oft;
If clouds or mist do dark the sky,
Great store of birds and beasts shall die.64
Skoskt afbrigði sama erindis er á þessa leið:
Giff Sanct paullis day be fair and cleir
Than salle be ane happie yeir.
Giff it chance to snaw or rain
Than salle dew all kynd of grane.
And giff þe wind do flie on loft
Than wer sall vex þe countrie oft.
And giff þe clouds mak darke þe skye
Baith nowte and foull that yeir sall die.65
Frá Lincolnshire m.a. er þessi styttri gerð:
If St. Paul’s Day be fair and clear,
It doth betide a happy year;
If blustering winds do blow aloft,
Then wars will trouble our realm full oft.
And if it chance to snow or rain,
Then will be dear all sorts of grain.66
Enn styttri gerð þekkist frá Worcestershire:
If St. Paul’s be fine and clear,
It betides a happy year,
But if it chance to snow or rain,
Dear will be all sorts of grain.67
Vísa sama efnis er til á tungu Manarbúa:
Laa’l Paul ghorrinagh as gheaygh,
Ghenney er-y-theill as baase moear sleih;
Laa’l Paul aalin as glen,
Palchey er-y-theill dy arroo as mein.68
í ensku almanaki frá 17. öld finnast þessar línur um kyndilmessu:
After Candlemas day, the frost will be more keen,
If the sun shines bright, than before it has been.69