Fylkir - 01.01.1923, Qupperneq 25

Fylkir - 01.01.1923, Qupperneq 25
25 Trjárækt. Eins og sjá má af 7. hefti Fylkis, hef eg um undanfarin ár rt'ynt að útvega ábyggilegar upplýsingar um hvaða tré, er vaxa í Kanada eða í Alaska, væru líkleg til að þrífast hér á (slancli. Eg liafði leitt athygli manna að því, þegar eg kom til Rvíkur haustið I8<)4 og ’95, að í Alaska yxu tré, sem að likindum gætu lifað hér a Islandi. Síðastl. vetur barst mér eftirfylgjandi bréf frá merkustu vísindastofnun Bandaríkjanna í Norður-Ameríku. THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, Washington, U. S. A. Pear Sir: Dec. 7. 1922. I want to thank you for the english circular relating to Fylkir, Se<it to the Library some time ago. Since writing you on scpt. 18. I have received a letter from Mr. Sudworth, Dendrologist with the Forest Service, regarding Alaskan trees suitable for planting in Iceland. Mr. Sudworth was in the field at the time I wrote you. I quote from his letter as follows: At Ihe present time, fhe only publication of the Foresf Serviec, 'liat would be of interest to Mr. Arngrímsson, is an unnumbered bulletin by myself, entitled Forest Trees of ’the Pacific Slope. - ■^oiong the Pacific Slope trees described and figured are a few spe- c'es that thrive in Southcrn Alaska, aitd doubtless these would be ct<matically adapted for growth in lceland. Unfortunately we are l||'able to forward a copy of this bulletin which is now being dis- lr<biited entirely (at 60 cents a copy) by thc superintendent of ^ocuments Government Printing Office, Washington. The Alaska llecs likely to be suitable for planting m Iceland are mainly the 'ollowiug: Sitka Spruce (f’icea sitchensis). Larch (Larix americana). Black Spruce (Picea mariana). Alpine Fir (Abies lasiocarpa). Sitka Alder (Alnus sitchensis). White Birch (Betula alaskana). Kenai Birch (Betula kenaica).
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