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Geothermal Discharge Waters after Ab-
sorption on Iron Flock and Subsequent
Recovery of the Flock Using Dissolved
Air Flotation. Geothermics. 8: 97— 110.
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stry and Human Health. Geothermics. 6:
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dýralíf í varmám. Náttúrufræðingurinn.
50: 35-45.
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frárennsli orkuversins við Svartsengi:
Athuganir sumarið 1978. Orkustofnun
Hallgrímsson, Helgi. 1975. Námafjall eða
Krafla. Dagur 5, mars.
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Ólafsson, Jón. 1978. Kvikasilfur og arsen í
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Náttúrufræðingurinn. 48: 52 — 57.
Pasqualetti, M. J. 1980. Geothermal Energy
and the Environment — The Global
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Sabadell,J. E. & R. C. Axtmann. 1975. Heavy
Metal Contamination from Geothermal
Sources. Environmental Health Per-
spectives. 12: 1 — 7.
Sigbjarnarson, Guttormur, Haukur Tómasson, Jó-
nas Elíasson & Stefán Amórsson. 1974.
Álitsgerð um mengunarhættu vegna af-
fallsvatns frá gufuvirkjun við Kröflu eða
Hverarönd. Orkustofnun, OSJHD7424
& OSROD7421.
Sigurðsson, Freysteinn. 1977. Hitaveita Suður-
nesja — Ferskvatnsrannsóknir — Hita-
og seltumælingar 1975—1977. Orku-
stofnun OSJKD7716.
Spencer, S. G. & J. F. Sullivan. 1979. Snake
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Þórarinsson, Sigurður. 1978. Hverir og laugar
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Environmental Aspects of
Geothermal Energy Production
and Utilisation
by Jón Steinar Guðmundsson,
Orkustofnun — Iceland Energy Authority —
Geothermal Division, Grensásvegur 9, Reykjavík.
The utilisation of low-temperature
geothermal energy for over 50 years in Ice-
land has not caused environmental pro-
blems. This is largely due to the favourable
chemical composition of the thermal waters
used. Low-temperature (60—130°C)
geothermal waters are primarily used for
space heating and contain iess than 500
mg/1 of dissolved solids in most instances.
Geothermal water used for space heating in
Iceland is discharged into the sewer system
when it has cooled down to 25—35°C. The
production of hot water from the geother-
mal fields serving Reykjavík and neigh-
bouring areas has resulted in a draw-down
of the water table and the disappearance of
natural hot spring activity. The production
capacity of these fields is approximately 10
times the estimated natural flow before
drilling. What is lacking at some hot spring
sites that are utilised in Iceland is good
keeping of their immediate surroundings.
There is limited utilisation of high-
temperature fields in Iceland. Drilling has
been carried out in 7 of the fields and
presently 4 are being used for industrial,
space heating and electricity generation