

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1981, Síða 217

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1981, Síða 217
geothermal investigation has been directed at finding suitable steam for the power plant which has already been built within the Krafla field. Drilling performed in 1980 in the eastern part of the field gave very prom- ising results, and it is expected that this dis- covery will bring the power plant to rated production within a few years. Geological mapping of the area confirmed a caldera formation in the Krafla central volcano, in- tersected by a pronounced fissure swarm. The frequency of volcanic eruptions in Recent time was found to be about four eruptions per thousand years. Geochemical studies of gases in fumarole steam in the area have revealed three main upflow locations in the field. Two of them (in Leirhnjúkur and Hveragil) are highly influenced by volcanic gases, whereas the third in the eastern part of the field seems not to be affected. An aeromagnetic survey of the area has revealed a significant NW-SE structure in the caldera, which is also reflected in gravity, self potential, resistivity as well as in the geology. Several resistivity methods have been tried in the field. They include Schlumberger soundings, equatorial dipole, quadrupole survey and time domain elec- tromagnetic method. In general, the low resistivity area is well defined horizontally as well as vertically, meaning that beneath about 700 m depth the resistivity increase. A magma chamber has been demonstrated to be present at 3—7 km depth below the cal- dera. The extent of the magma chamber has been mapped by utilizing the seismic S- wave shadows. Temperatures in wells drilled in the geothermal field had considerable spatial variation and it was found necessary to assume that the geothermal system consisted of two separate zones, a water dominated one at shallow depth (0—1000 m), and a boiling two-phase reservoir at greater depth. Chemical composition of the discharge also varied greatly between wells and supported also the division of the geothermal system into an upper and a lower zone. Resistivity logging in wells confirmed that the resistivity beneath 1000 m depth is con- siderable higher than at shallower depth. The permeability found by injection and recovery tests is rather low, which reflects the boiling conditions of the lower part of the geothermal system. The enthalpy of flowing wells is rather high and some wells exclusively discharging from the two phase reservoir have developed into pure steam wells. The amount of non- condensable gases in the lower zone is approximately one hundred times greater than in the upper zone. A simplified model of the field proposed in 1977 has been found to be valuable, as the properties of wells drilled since then have been predicted by this model. A new well drilled in 1980 in the eastern part of the field has been found to have favourable production characteristics. These discoveries will make it possible to increase the production of the power plant to rated capacity in a few years. 359
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