Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1976, Síða 41
til Lapplands. Þess má að lokum
geta, að allt að 4 hvinandarsteggir
sáust á Mývatni sumarið 1976 og auk
þess 1 steggur með 2 kvenfuglum 24.
apríl á Víkingavatni í Kelduhverfi.
Virðist sennilegt að þær hafi flækst
með húsöndum norður á svipaðan
hátt og hvítendurnar.
Baucr, K. M. og U. N. Glulz von lilolz-
heim. 1969. Handbuch der Vögel
Mitteleuropas. Vol. 3. Anseriformes
(2. Teil). Frankfurt a. M.
Delacour, J. 1954—64. The waterfowl o£
the world. London.
Garðarsson, Arnþór. 1967. Hvinendur á
íslandi og nokkur orð um ákvörðun
hvinandar. Náttúrufr. 37: 76—92.
— 1975. íslenskir votlendisfuglar. Vot-
lendi. Rit Landverndar 4: 100—134.
Haftorn, Svein. 1971. Norges fugler. Oslo.
Johnsgard, P. A. 1965. Ilandbook of
waterfowl behavior. Ithaca, N. Y.
Witherby, H. F., F. C. R. Jourdain, N. F.
Ticehurst og B. W■ Tucker. 1943.
The handbook of British birds. Vol.
3. (2. útg.). London.
The smew (Mergus albellus) recorded in Iceland
Arntlior Gardarsson,
Institute of Biology, Universily of Iceland, Reykjavik.
A female smew (Mergus albellus) was
first observed on Lake Úlfljótsvatn on
the river Sog, southwest Iceland on 29
December 1974. The bird was seen again
in the same locality in March 1975. The
smew was found in mixed flocks of
Barrow’s goldeneyes (Buceþhala islandica)
and common goldeneyes (Buceþhala clan-
gula) of wliich about 90 and 16, respec-
tively, were wintering on the Sog. During
the period May-August 1975 a female
smew, presumably the same individual,
was seen on several occasions during
waterfowl censuses at Lake Mývatn, north
lceland. This bird was mainly found in
non-breeding llocks of Barrow’s golden-
eyes and was courted by the goldeneye
drakes on some occasions (cf. Plate). It
was found moulting and flightless on
9 July.
On 28 December 1975 a female and a
male Mergus albellus were seen on Lake
Úlfljótsvatn where they were repeatedly
observed singly or together in the com-
pany of Barrow’s and common goldeneyes
until 9 March 1976. On 30 Marclt the
male was found on Lake Laugarvatn,
about 20 km NE of Úlfljótsvatn, having
presumably arrivecl there that morning
with Barrow’s goldeneyes migrating from
the Sog. The male was observed on the
Laugarvatn until 5 April when it was
joined by the female which was present
also on 6 April but was not seen after
that. The male was last seen on Laugar-
vatn on 10 April but was found again