Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2002, Page 208
Ingólfur Ásgeir Jóhannesson, Gunnar E. Finnbogason og Guðrún Geirsdóttir. 2000.
Curriculum management and self-evaluation in Icelandic primary and secondary
schools. Public Discourses on Eduction Governance and Social Integration and
Exclusion: Analyses of Policy Texts in European Context (ritstj. Sverjer Lindblad og
Thomas S. Popkewitz). Uppsala reports on education 36. Uppsala, Department of
Education, Uppsala University.
Lög um grunnskóla nr. 66/ 1995.
Maden, M. 2000. Shifting Gear. Changing Patterns of Educational Governance in Europe.
Oakhill, Trentham Books.
McCleary, L. E. og S. D. Thomson. 1979. The Senior High School Principalship. Volume
III. The Summary Report. Reston, Virginia, National Association of Secondary
School Principals.
Skýrsla nefndar um mótun menntastefnu. 1994. Reykjavík, menntamálaráðuneytið.
In 1995 a new Basic School Law was enacted in Iceland. One of the major policy ends
put forth in this law was to transfer the governance of basic schools from state to
municipal control. In order to inquire about the effects of this policy change, a
questionnaire was sent to all basic school principals in February 2001. The focus was
on (1) resources and management of basic schools, (2) the space within which
principals have for manoeuvre in the implementation of important issues, (3) aspects
that have improved, and (4) a rank order of important task areas of principals. The
findings show that principals are generally very pleased with the policy ends put
forth in the 1995 Basic School Law and consider external conditions and internal
school processes as improving. It seems, however, that they are not in a position to
rank their ordering of important task areas in accordance with their preferences. In
comparison with an earlier study, the gap between the ideal and the actual rank order
of task areas is increasing considerably. The principals' responses suggest that their
role seems to be drifting away from a preferred educational role towards a more
administrative role.
Börkur Hansen er
prófessor við Kennaraháskóla íslands
Ólafur H. fóhannsson er
lektor við Kennaraháskóla íslands
Steinunn Helga Lárusdóttir er
lektor við Kcnnaraháskóla íslands