Fréttablaðið - 01.12.2012, Blaðsíða 74

Fréttablaðið - 01.12.2012, Blaðsíða 74
| ATVINNA | Sveitarfélagið Hornafjörður / Hafnarbraut 27 / S: 4708000 / JOB REFERENCE: 14/12 Start date: Spring 2013, or as soon as possible Deadline for application: 16 December 2012 Interviews: January 2013 Application must be filled in and sent online at the following address: EFTA Surveillance Authority webpage: The EFTA Surveillance Authority monitors compliance by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway with the law of the European Economic Area (EEA), enabling those countries to participate in the European internal market. In monitoring and enforcing the EEA Agreement, the Authority has powers that correspond to those of the European Commission. The Authority is based in Brussels and operates independently of the EFTA States. The Authority is led by a College which consists of three members appointed by the EEA EFTA States. Role description: The successful applicant will be respon sible for the financial and accounting operations of the Orga ni - sa tion and report to the Director of Administration. S/he will be working hands-on with budgets, accounting, payments, vou cher handling, travel claims, payroll and any other related control activities. The successful candidate will also assist the Director of Administration in matters relating to the interpretation and execution of the Authority’s Financial and Staff Regulations and Rules. The position will require direct contact with the Authority’s College and all staff members, national administrations in Belgium and the EFTA States, external providers and auditors. The field of responsibility may be adapted according to the qualifica- tions of the incumbent and the needs of the Authority. Essential Skills: l Higher education within finance, accounting, business administra- tion, or equivalent. l At least 5 years relevant work experi- ence in a similar post from private or public sector. l Ability to work independently and in teams, with an eye for detail and excellent analytical skills. l Personality, service attitude and reli- ability to match the wide scope of the position. l Ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing. l Excellent command of written and spoken English (the working lan- guage of the Authority). l Good computer literacy is essential, in particular good command of Excel and experience with accounting soft- ware. Ideal Skills: l Knowledge of, and experience in using, Microsoft Dynamics AX. l Knowledge of any of the languages of the EFTA States (Icelandic, Norwe - gian, German) and/or host country (French or Dutch). Performance Indicators: Subject matter knowledge, analytical skills and problem solving, quality and result orientation, compliance with internal rules, processes and instruc- tions, autonomy, motivation to work, personal efficiency and initiative. Conditions: The position is placed at grade A4 of the salary scale, starting at € 83.386,68 per year. Depending on, inter alia, fam- ily status, allowances and benefits apply. Favorable tax conditions apply. Overview of conditions at: http://www. vacancies/recruitment-policy. While its staff members shall normally be nationals of one of the three EFTA States party to the EEA Agreement, the Authority will also consider other appli- cations, primarily those of nationals of the other States that are party to the EEA Agreement. Type and duration of appointment: fixed-term three years contract. Job title : Finance Officer. If considered desirable and in the Authority’s interest, an additional three years contract may be offered. Questions regarding the post may be posed to Mrs Brit Helle, Director of Administration, at +32 (0)2 286 18 90 or Mr Gisle Solstad, Head of Finance, at +32 (0)2 286 18 91. Questions regarding the recruitment process may be posed to Ms Sophie Jeannon, HR Assistant, at +32 (0)2 286 18 93. Finance Officer Securitas óskar e tir ra a ar a i Securitas hf. er stærsta fyrirtæki landsins á öryggismarkaði, með um 450 starfs menn. Hjá Securitas starfar metnaðarfullt starfsfólk sem leggur áherslu á að veita frábæra þjónustu. Securitas rekur útibú og starfsstöðvar víða um land en höfuðstöðvarnar eru í Skeifunni 8 í Reykjavík. ilt þú vinna í skemmtilegu og hreinlegu umhver tæknisviði Securitas starfar fjöldi tæknimanna við ýmis sérhæfð störf. Vegna aukinna verkefna óskum við eftir rafvirkja eða rafeindavirkja til starfa. ánari u lýsingar um star ð veitir ristín ögg Höskuldsdóttir, fulltrúi á starfsmannasviði. Star ð hentar jafnt báðum kynjum. Securitas fer fram á að allir starfsmenn leggi fram hreint sakavottorð og að þeir séu reiðubúnir að leggja fram upplýsingar úr málaskrá lögreglu. sók ar restur er ti e ese er iskr ur · Sveinspróf í rafvirkjun eða rafeindavirkjun · Hæfni í mannlegum samskiptum · Þjónustulund · Almenn tölvukunnátta Securitas er rir ar rirt ki ÍSLE N SK A S IA .IS S E C 6 21 04 1 1. 20 12 sími: 511 1144 1. desember 2012 LAUGARDAGUR6
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