

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1996, Side 33

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1996, Side 33
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1996; 82 21 Faraldsfræði alnæmis á íslandi fyrstu 10 árin Haraldur Briem1'2*, Sigurður B. Þorsteinsson3’, Sigurður Guðmundsson3’, Kristján Erlendsson3’, Arthur Löve‘*) The Epidemiology of AIDS in Iceland. The first Ten Years Iíriem H, Þorsteinsson SB, Guðmundsson S, Er- lendsson K, Löve A Læknablaðið 1996; 82; 21-31 Objective. To describe the epidemiology of AIDS and HIV infection in Iceland with demographic characteristics and associated risk factors. Design. Survey of national data reported to the Of- fice of the Director General of Public Health in Iceland from November 1985 to December 31 1994. The dates of diagnosis of HIV infection, AIDS and death due to AIDS were collected from the patients physicians. Patients. All patients diagnosed with HIV and AIDS in Iceland during the study period. Methods. The expanded European AIDS surveil- lance case definition was used (Lancet 1993;341:441). Reporting of individuals with AIDS and HIV infection is semianonymous in Iceland ac- cording to the act of law on sexually transmitted diseases. Results. As of December 31 1994 overall 79 males and 14 females were diagnosed with HIV infection. Of those infected 30 males and five females were diagnosed with AIDS. Most of those infected with HIV were 20-29 years old (44%) and most of those diagnosed with AIDS were 30-39 years old (40%). The incidence of AIDS (number of cases/100,000/ year) was 1.36 (2.3 for males and 0.4 for women) Frá '’smitsjúkdómadeild Borgarspítalans, 2,landlæknisem- bættinu, 3)lyflækningadeild Landspítalans, “’Rannsókna- stofu Háskólans í veirufræði. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Har- aldur Briem smitsjúkdómadeild Borgarpsítalans, 108 Reykjavík. during the first 10 years. Of those 35 diagnosed with AIDS 26 died (74%) during this period. The median survival time after the diagnosis of AIDS was 22 months (95% CI; 16-28 months). The majority of the patients with AIDS (91%) and the HIV infected cases (65%) were homosexual or bisexual males but the proportion of those infected by heterosexual contact has been increasing and was at the end of the study period 16%. HIV infection among i.v. drug abusers has been rare in Iceland hitherto. No pae- diatric cases were observed. Conclusion. The spread of AIDS in Iceland is not as rapid as in many other countries. The incidence rate has not changed significantly during the study peri- od. At the same time the death rate of AIDS pa- tients has been increasing indicating a slowing of the AIDS epidemic. The major changes regarding trans- mission categories are the increasing proportion of heterosexuals and decreasing proportion of homo- sexual and bisexual males. From Department of Infectious Diseases, Reykja- vík City Hospital, Office of the Director General of Public Health, Department of Medicine, Landspít- alinn/the National University Hospital, Laboratory of Virology. the University of Iceland. Correspondence: Haraldur Briem, Department of Infectious Diseases, Reykjavík City Hospital, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland. Tel: 569 66 00. Fax: 569 6576. Ágrip Lýst er faraldsfræði alnæmis og smits af völdum alnæmisveiru fyrstu 10 árin sem sjúk- dómurinn hefur verið þekktur á íslandi. Stuðst var við tilkynningar um alnæmi og smit af völd- um veirunnar sem bárust landlæknisembætt- inu. Aflað var upplýsinga hjá meðhöndlandi læknum um tímasetningar sjúkdómsgreining-
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