

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1996, Page 44

Læknablaðið - 15.01.1996, Page 44
32 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1996; 82 Ungbarnabólusetning á íslandi gegn Haemophilus influenzae af hjúpgerð b Árangur eftir sex ára notkun PRP-D (ProHIBiT®) Kristín E. Jónsdóttir11, Halldór Hansen2>, Víkingur H. Arnórsson31, Þröstur Laxdal4>, Magnús Stefánsson5) Jónsdóttir KE, Hansen H, Arnórsson VH, Laxdal Þ, Stefánsson M Immunization against Haemophilus influenzae type b in Iceland. Results after six years use of PRP-D (ProHIBiT®) Læknablaðið 1996; 82: 32-8 Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) causes menin- gitis bacteremia and epiglottitis, dangerous infec- tions, which occur mainly in children under five years of age. Incidence of Hib meningitis in that age group in Iceland was 43/100.000 1974-1988. In the fall of 1988 Icelandic health authorities decid- ed to offer infant immunisation against Hib with PRP-D (ProHIBiT®) vaccine, product of Con- naught Ltd, Canada. Results are presented of this immunisation pro- gramme which has been running since spring 1989. The vaccine is administered at the age of three, four, six and 14 months. During the first year of the immu- nisation programme one dose was offered to chil- dren aged 15 months up to end of third year. During the 10 years 1980-1989, 92 children had Hib meningitis, 61 Hib bacteremia or arthritis and 21 acute epiglottitis. During the five years 1990-1994 no child had Hib Frá 1,sýklafræðideild Landspítalans, 2|ungbarnadeild Heilsuverndarstöðvar Reykjavíkur, 3,Barnaspítala Hrings- ins, 4,barnadeild Landakotsspítala, 5,barnadeild Fjórðungs- sjúkrahússinsáAkureyri. Fyrirspurnir, bréfaskipti: Kristín E. Jónsdóttir, sýklafræðideild Landspítalans v/Barónsstíg, 101 Reykjavík. Lykilorð: Haemophilus influenzae b, bóluefni. meningitis or epiglottitis but three had Hib bactere- mia. Hib strains were 10-16% of Haemophilus influ- enzae strains isolated from surface swabs from 0-5 years old children at different periods until spring 1991 but became very scarse after that. Anti-PRP antibodies in blood measured <0.15 pg/ rnl in 20% of children after three doses of vaccine but >1.0ug/ml in 95% after four doses. No fully immunized child has had invasive Hib dis- ease, but one had meningitis and two bacteremia after one dose of vaccine and one bacteremia after three doses. In 1993 21 fully immunized three to four years old children received a booster dose of PRP-D. Geometric Mean Titer of anti-PRP was l.llpg/ml before and 137.11ug/ml after the dose. Mean antibodies against diphtheria were 0.37 IU before and 11.69 IU after the dose. It remains uncertain how long anti-PRP will last in vaccinees when Hib strains disappear. Correspondence: Kristín E. Jónsdóttir, Department of Clinical Microbiology, the National University Hospital, 101 Reykjavík, Iceland. Ágrip Haemophilus influenzae af hjúpgerð b (Hib) veldur hættulegum sýkingum í heilahimnum, blóði og barkaloki einkum hjá börnum innan fimm ára. Tíðni Hib heilahimnubólgu í þeim aldurshópi á íslandi var 43 á 100.000 árin 1974- 1988 (1). Síðla árs 1988 ákváðu íslensk heil- brigðisyfirvöld að bjóða upp á bólusetningu ungbarna gegn Hib með PRP- D (ProHIBiT®) bóluefni frá Connaught Ltd, Kanada. Skýrt er frá árangri af notkun þessa bóluefn- is, sem hófst vorið 1989 og er gefið börnum
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